Thursday, October 20, 2011

Public Samhain Altar

Here at the store we provide the public with a small altar space where you can light incense of a candle, do a small ritual or spell, and simply take some spiritual time in semi-privacy.

We decorate the altar for each sabbat as the Wheel of the Year Turns.

Samhain is almost upon us and our annual Ancestral Book is on the altar for you to add things you wish to say to those who have passed on. Write into the pages an anecdote or memory, words you wish you had a chance to say but didn't, or wishes for advice from those beyond the Veil.

Honor your ancestors: blood and spirit. They are any being or creature who has touched your life and helped develop the person you are. They might be a close pet that passed on. They might be a friend or relative. They might be someone far up your family lineage. Or maybe they are a Craft person (Gerald Gardner or Stewart Farrar).

Take some time to reflect and commune.

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