Monday, November 28, 2011

Annual Yule Fair 2011 Schedule

Saturday & Sunday, December 3 & 4

The Yule Fair is coming up this WEEKEND, and we've got a packed schedule! We're looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you and your family! Bring a friend or a child-- our speakers and events are family-friendly, with exceptions clearly marked! All workshops and panels are absolutely free-of-charge!

Enjoy in-store specials and find something unique from the vending room full of local artisans.


Tea & Chat
Time: Saturday, 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Upstairs and Downstairs
Settle in, have some tea, and be social!

Community Organizations (Lena)
Time: Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Upstairs
Lena moderates a round table introducing community services and groups.

Spiritual Counseling (Catharine)
Time: Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Downstairs
Spiritual counselling is a progressive form of counselling which treats the whole person. It is more open to the fact that many matters concerning the resolution of issues are based in energetic patterns that can have many origins, including spiritual beliefs. It includes the person's will to manifest and create their own lives.

Alternative Healing Panel (Valerie, Monika, et al)
Time: Saturday, 12:45pm - 2:45pm
Location: Upstairs
As times change and people become less certain of the Western healing system, we are seeing more and more people searching for other solutions for their health and wellness. There are many modes of of alternative healing out there to choose from and finding which one is right for us can sometimes prove to be confusing. Come join us in this panel to explore and discuss several different methods of healing. Styles to be discussed: Reiki, Osteopathy, stone healing, energy work, Thai Yoga Massage, Therapeutic Touch.

Virtues (Brendan Myers)
Time: Saturday, 12:45pm - 1:45pm
Location: Downstairs
Brendan Myers discusses topics related to his book, The Other Side of Virtue: Where Our Virtues Come From, What They Really Mean, and Where They Might Be Taking Us.

Bardcraft: How to Tell Your Story (Hobbes)
Time: Saturday, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Downstairs

Our local bard and storyteller Hobbes will show you how you can become a bard yourself. He will teach you how to find the story that moves you, how to prepare it, and how to deliver it to an audience. Bring out your inner bard!

Energy Work: Creating Sacred Space (Scarlet)
Time: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: Upstairs
Discussion & presentation of various ways to set up both temporary and permanent sacred space, as well as the energy work behind the methods.

Celebrating the Yule Holidays (Courtney)
Time: Saturday, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Downstairs
Celebrating your own spiritual path without compromising family and friends who follow different religious practices.

Time: Saturday, 6:15pm Onward
Location: Cafe Theatre (1832 rue St. Catherine O.)
Impromptu dinner at the location of our brunch.


Pagan Sunday Brunch (MPRC)
Time: Sunday, 10:00am - 11:30am
Location: Cafe Theatre (1832 rue St. Catherine O.)
Join the MPRC for brunch.

On Being a Christian Witch (Adelina)
Time: Sunday, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Upstairs
Based on her book, Path of the Christian Witch, this talk will be about the trials and discoveries along the path to being a Christian Witch.

Les questionnements spirituels et religieux (Jean-Phillipe Theobald)
Time: Sunday, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Downstairs
La spiritualité est quelque chose de très personnel et de très délicat. Parfois, il est difficile d'aider quelqu'un ou de donner des conseils religieux ou spirituels sans brusquer. S'appuyant sur des principes de la psychologie développementale, l'exposé explore des outils possibles pour discuter de la manière de vivre l'expérience religieuse, en contexte de relation d'aide.

TBD (Mark Hughes)
Time: Sunday, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Downstairs

Tales of the First Lovers (Brendan Myers) 18+
Time: Sunday, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Upstairs
What a sex-positive theology looks like (18+ age or 14+ with accompanying parent).

L’Astrologie, qu’est-ce que ça dit? (Carol & Denise)
Time: Sunday, 2:15pm - 4:30pm
Location: Upstairs
Carol parlera des principes fonctionnels de cette géométrie céleste, des planètes, des signes zodiacaux, des maisons. Denise parlera de notre futur prochain après avoir passé en revue des techniques de prévision, notant au passage la capacité d’analyse psychologique préludant à la capacité d’aider à prendre des décisions éclairées, de gérer ses relations aux autres, en somme d’établir sa biographie.

De formation scientifique, à l’école Polytechnique de Paris puis à l’université McGill (Ph.D. Mathématiques), Carol Meyer, d’abord sceptique, s’intéresse à l’astrologie en 1980 et l’étudie pour en découvrir la logique interne. Depuis ce temps, il participe à diverses recherches en astrologie. Il développe et distribue des logiciels astrologiques et publie chaque année un Agenda Planétaire.

Linguiste et professeur de français, Denise Chrzanowska devient consultante en astrologie en 1980 de façon régulière; également elle devient formatrice en astrologie sur 4 ans et aussi conférencière à Paris, aux États-Unis et au Québec. Elle a écrit « Astrologie stellaire et mythologique », « Les étoiles soufflent » et enfin « La signature de l’analogie ». Depuis 1998, elle publie une revue trimestrielle d’astrologie mondiale : « Cosmoscope ».

Crafting the Craft (Adelina)
Time: Sunday, 2:15pm - 3:15pm
Location: Downstairs
Yule is a time when our creativity soars. Arts and crafts is a fun way to explore the magical realms and to improve our magical abilities. This lecture will look at different forms of arts and crafts and will teach how to use them to improve focus, induce trance, manifest an intent and receive messages from our allies. It will explore different theories from occupational therapy and psychodynamics and will let each participant experience first-hand the effects of arts and crafting in a magical way. No arts and craft experience required.

Discussion: Pagan Hindsight -- What We Thought We Knew (Karyn Torrie)
Time: Saturday, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Downstairs
A talk about the preconceptions many of us had before we came fully into our religion, and how our perceptions have since changed. (Tentative)


Public Yule Ritual (Hobbes)
Time: Sunday, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Upstairs

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