Saturday & Sunday, December 3 & 4
The Yule Fair is coming up this WEEKEND, and we've got a packed schedule! We're looking forward to celebrating the holidays with you and your family! Bring a friend or a child-- our speakers and events are family-friendly, with exceptions clearly marked! All workshops and panels are absolutely free-of-charge!
Enjoy in-store specials and find something unique from the vending room full of local artisans.
Tea & Chat
Time: Saturday, 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Upstairs and Downstairs
Settle in, have some tea, and be social!
Community Organizations (Lena)
Time: Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Upstairs
Lena moderates a round table introducing community services and groups.
Spiritual Counseling (Catharine)
Time: Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Downstairs
Spiritual counselling is a progressive form of counselling which treats the whole person. It is more open to the fact that many matters concerning the resolution of issues are based in energetic patterns that can have many origins, including spiritual beliefs. It includes the person's will to manifest and create their own lives.
Alternative Healing Panel (Valerie, Monika, et al)
Time: Saturday, 12:45pm - 2:45pm
Location: Upstairs
As times change and people become less certain of the Western healing system, we are seeing more and more people searching for other solutions for their health and wellness. There are many modes of of alternative healing out there to choose from and finding which one is right for us can sometimes prove to be confusing. Come join us in this panel to explore and discuss several different methods of healing. Styles to be discussed: Reiki, Osteopathy, stone healing, energy work, Thai Yoga Massage, Therapeutic Touch.
Virtues (Brendan Myers)
Time: Saturday, 12:45pm - 1:45pm
Location: Downstairs
Brendan Myers discusses topics related to his book, The Other Side of Virtue: Where Our Virtues Come From, What They Really Mean, and Where They Might Be Taking Us.
Bardcraft: How to Tell Your Story (Hobbes)
Time: Saturday, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Downstairs
Our local bard and storyteller Hobbes will show you how you can become a bard yourself. He will teach you how to find the story that moves you, how to prepare it, and how to deliver it to an audience. Bring out your inner bard!
Energy Work: Creating Sacred Space (Scarlet)
Time: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: Upstairs
Discussion & presentation of various ways to set up both temporary and permanent sacred space, as well as the energy work behind the methods.
Celebrating the Yule Holidays (Courtney)
Time: Saturday, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Downstairs
Celebrating your own spiritual path without compromising family and friends who follow different religious practices.
Time: Saturday, 6:15pm Onward
Location: Cafe Theatre (1832 rue St. Catherine O.)
Impromptu dinner at the location of our brunch.
Pagan Sunday Brunch (MPRC)
Time: Sunday, 10:00am - 11:30am
Location: Cafe Theatre (1832 rue St. Catherine O.)
Join the MPRC for brunch.
On Being a Christian Witch (Adelina)
Time: Sunday, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Upstairs
Based on her book, Path of the Christian Witch, this talk will be about the trials and discoveries along the path to being a Christian Witch.
Les questionnements spirituels et religieux (Jean-Phillipe Theobald)
Time: Sunday, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Downstairs
La spiritualité est quelque chose de très personnel et de très délicat. Parfois, il est difficile d'aider quelqu'un ou de donner des conseils religieux ou spirituels sans brusquer. S'appuyant sur des principes de la psychologie développementale, l'exposé explore des outils possibles pour discuter de la manière de vivre l'expérience religieuse, en contexte de relation d'aide.
TBD (Mark Hughes)
Time: Sunday, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Downstairs
Tales of the First Lovers (Brendan Myers) 18+
Time: Sunday, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Upstairs
What a sex-positive theology looks like (18+ age or 14+ with accompanying parent).
L’Astrologie, qu’est-ce que ça dit? (Carol & Denise)
Time: Sunday, 2:15pm - 4:30pm
Location: Upstairs
Carol parlera des principes fonctionnels de cette géométrie céleste, des planètes, des signes zodiacaux, des maisons. Denise parlera de notre futur prochain après avoir passé en revue des techniques de prévision, notant au passage la capacité d’analyse psychologique préludant à la capacité d’aider à prendre des décisions éclairées, de gérer ses relations aux autres, en somme d’établir sa biographie.
De formation scientifique, à l’école Polytechnique de Paris puis à l’université McGill (Ph.D. Mathématiques), Carol Meyer, d’abord sceptique, s’intéresse à l’astrologie en 1980 et l’étudie pour en découvrir la logique interne. Depuis ce temps, il participe à diverses recherches en astrologie. Il développe et distribue des logiciels astrologiques et publie chaque année un Agenda Planétaire.
Linguiste et professeur de français, Denise Chrzanowska devient consultante en astrologie en 1980 de façon régulière; également elle devient formatrice en astrologie sur 4 ans et aussi conférencière à Paris, aux États-Unis et au Québec. Elle a écrit « Astrologie stellaire et mythologique », « Les étoiles soufflent » et enfin « La signature de l’analogie ». Depuis 1998, elle publie une revue trimestrielle d’astrologie mondiale : « Cosmoscope ».
Crafting the Craft (Adelina)
Time: Sunday, 2:15pm - 3:15pm
Location: Downstairs
Yule is a time when our creativity soars. Arts and crafts is a fun way to explore the magical realms and to improve our magical abilities. This lecture will look at different forms of arts and crafts and will teach how to use them to improve focus, induce trance, manifest an intent and receive messages from our allies. It will explore different theories from occupational therapy and psychodynamics and will let each participant experience first-hand the effects of arts and crafting in a magical way. No arts and craft experience required.
Discussion: Pagan Hindsight -- What We Thought We Knew (Karyn Torrie)
Time: Saturday, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Downstairs
A talk about the preconceptions many of us had before we came fully into our religion, and how our perceptions have since changed. (Tentative)
Public Yule Ritual (Hobbes)
Time: Sunday, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Upstairs
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mindfulness –Using Meditation as a Tool to Find and Connect to Your True Self
We often hear about meditation and the importance of being mindful but what does that really mean? What is meditation? How does it work? What is mindfulness? How can meditating bring about mindfulness thus helping you connect to your true self?
Meditation is a natural ancient practice that has been used over five thousand years to calm the body, mind and spirit. Meditation’s main purpose is to quiet the mind. Making the mind still leads to calm and centeredness. With calm awareness we tap into and connect with our heart center. Without the interference of troubled thoughts we can release negativity and begin to see our true nature, our true self and unfold into mindfulness.
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.” Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness means more than simply being aware.
Although, mindfulness requires being aware of our actions and thoughts, it is deeper and more deliberate. Being mindful means being purposely aware of thoughts and actions, not vaguely or habitually but being aware with conscious deliberation. Take for example, the simple act of eating, eating with mindfulness means that one would be conscious of the act of eating; paying attention to the sensations, taste and textures and the body’s response to these stimuli. If the mind beings to wander we would then refocus our attention back to the present. Being in the present and mindful of our selves leaves allows the storm of our thoughts to die down and what is left is the silence of our heart. We can then pay attention to and attune ourselves to the language of our body, mind and spirit. We become more aware of our needs. The shift slowly starts to take place and the benefits of meditation, awareness and mindfulness are felt in every area of our daily lives.
Although meditation is relaxing and calming it should not be mistaken as a method of relaxation. Meditation is a method used to de-clutter and calm the mind. Doing so, we gain clarity, a clearer view of who we really are. Seeing the real you clearly, without blinders, without negative mind chatter, without belief systems, without stigma, we start to develop awareness and mindfulness. You will start to see the true potential that is you.
In life we normally place a lot of energy into thinking; thinking of doing something or accomplishing goals, but as we begin to practice meditation we begin to free ourselves from constant conversation. By freeing ourselves from negative thoughts, and the never ending internal dialogue the focus of energy shifts from doing to being, we get back to balance, to the heart, to your true self.
Below I have added a couple simple meditations. Practicing, sitting as often as you can, for as long as you can, will help bring your attention back to your true path. Be patient with yourself.
Breathe. Simply be aware of your breathe. Focus on your nose, the nostrils in particular. Feel the cool air on in the in breath, then the warm air on the out breath.
• Take a deep breath, counting until four: 1,2,3,4
• Hold for 1,2,3,4
• Exhale counting until four:1,2,3,4
• Repeat
Be aware of your body and mind. If thoughts of the day seem to stay or creep in, it’s ok, don’t judge them, they are just thoughts. As quietly as they appeared, allow them to leave with the out breath. Try to sit for 5-10 minutes for the first session. Then as you begin to feel more comfortable and at ease, extend the duration of your sit.
Grounding Meditation is good for bringing you fully and consciously into the present moment, the here and now. It is especially helpful if you are undergoing lots of stress in your life, have undergone an especially difficult situation and are having a hard time clearing your mind and thoughts.
• Find a comfortable, undisturbed space and time for this sit
• Take a few deep breaths, as mentioned above.
• Now focus in on the soles of your feet, bringing all your attention to that body part
• Visualize two roots growing out of the soles for your feet working their way down into the earth.
• Allow the roots to grow and expand, branching off the deeper down into the earth they go.
• Feel yourself becoming more centered, calmer
• Keep visualizing the roots spreading and growing deeper down, passing through different layers of the Earth.
• Keep your attention at your feet and the roots growing from your feet downward into the Earth. Continue to do so until your feet feel heavy and firmly secure to the ground.
• Bring your attention back to the feet.
• When feel ready, bring your attention back to yourself and open your eyes, ending the sit.
Monika Marczuk :
Meditation is a natural ancient practice that has been used over five thousand years to calm the body, mind and spirit. Meditation’s main purpose is to quiet the mind. Making the mind still leads to calm and centeredness. With calm awareness we tap into and connect with our heart center. Without the interference of troubled thoughts we can release negativity and begin to see our true nature, our true self and unfold into mindfulness.
“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.” Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness means more than simply being aware.
Although, mindfulness requires being aware of our actions and thoughts, it is deeper and more deliberate. Being mindful means being purposely aware of thoughts and actions, not vaguely or habitually but being aware with conscious deliberation. Take for example, the simple act of eating, eating with mindfulness means that one would be conscious of the act of eating; paying attention to the sensations, taste and textures and the body’s response to these stimuli. If the mind beings to wander we would then refocus our attention back to the present. Being in the present and mindful of our selves leaves allows the storm of our thoughts to die down and what is left is the silence of our heart. We can then pay attention to and attune ourselves to the language of our body, mind and spirit. We become more aware of our needs. The shift slowly starts to take place and the benefits of meditation, awareness and mindfulness are felt in every area of our daily lives.
Although meditation is relaxing and calming it should not be mistaken as a method of relaxation. Meditation is a method used to de-clutter and calm the mind. Doing so, we gain clarity, a clearer view of who we really are. Seeing the real you clearly, without blinders, without negative mind chatter, without belief systems, without stigma, we start to develop awareness and mindfulness. You will start to see the true potential that is you.
In life we normally place a lot of energy into thinking; thinking of doing something or accomplishing goals, but as we begin to practice meditation we begin to free ourselves from constant conversation. By freeing ourselves from negative thoughts, and the never ending internal dialogue the focus of energy shifts from doing to being, we get back to balance, to the heart, to your true self.
Below I have added a couple simple meditations. Practicing, sitting as often as you can, for as long as you can, will help bring your attention back to your true path. Be patient with yourself.
Breathe. Simply be aware of your breathe. Focus on your nose, the nostrils in particular. Feel the cool air on in the in breath, then the warm air on the out breath.
• Take a deep breath, counting until four: 1,2,3,4
• Hold for 1,2,3,4
• Exhale counting until four:1,2,3,4
• Repeat
Be aware of your body and mind. If thoughts of the day seem to stay or creep in, it’s ok, don’t judge them, they are just thoughts. As quietly as they appeared, allow them to leave with the out breath. Try to sit for 5-10 minutes for the first session. Then as you begin to feel more comfortable and at ease, extend the duration of your sit.
Grounding Meditation is good for bringing you fully and consciously into the present moment, the here and now. It is especially helpful if you are undergoing lots of stress in your life, have undergone an especially difficult situation and are having a hard time clearing your mind and thoughts.
• Find a comfortable, undisturbed space and time for this sit
• Take a few deep breaths, as mentioned above.
• Now focus in on the soles of your feet, bringing all your attention to that body part
• Visualize two roots growing out of the soles for your feet working their way down into the earth.
• Allow the roots to grow and expand, branching off the deeper down into the earth they go.
• Feel yourself becoming more centered, calmer
• Keep visualizing the roots spreading and growing deeper down, passing through different layers of the Earth.
• Keep your attention at your feet and the roots growing from your feet downward into the Earth. Continue to do so until your feet feel heavy and firmly secure to the ground.
• Bring your attention back to the feet.
• When feel ready, bring your attention back to yourself and open your eyes, ending the sit.
Monika Marczuk :
Monday, November 21, 2011
Classy pens, incense burners, and leather oil!
We have 3 kits of "classy pens". Colored glass pens with their assorted inks come in either black, green, red, yellow or blue. Wooden pen kits come with inks of 3 different colors: black, blue or violet. We also have musical pens with 2 interchangeable points: one to draw the 5 musical lines, and the other to draw the notes. Perfect for composers who are nostalgic of the old times, or for pagans who like to create their own chants for rituals.



The incense burners we recently received are rectangular wooden boxes, rectangular soapstone boxes, cubic soapstone burners (require a tealight candle) and brass cone burners (small and big).





The leather fragrance oil is now available! It can be rubbed on a journal or any other object to make it smell like genuine leather! Perfect for vegans! You can come at the store to get a bottle, or you can order it through the website in 5 ml and 15 ml volumes.



The incense burners we recently received are rectangular wooden boxes, rectangular soapstone boxes, cubic soapstone burners (require a tealight candle) and brass cone burners (small and big).





The leather fragrance oil is now available! It can be rubbed on a journal or any other object to make it smell like genuine leather! Perfect for vegans! You can come at the store to get a bottle, or you can order it through the website in 5 ml and 15 ml volumes.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
FAQ: What are the elements and what are their attributions?
In Wicca, most Pagan paths, spell-craft and Ceremonial Magic we place a high importance on the five elements which are, as the term would suggest, the magical and natural components which form in each thing. Some traditions see these elements in slightly different ways or have slightly different attributions but here is a basic guide:
Association:Earth is the element of stability and the physical. Earth is often associated with material well-being such as money, home and prosperity, stubbornness and healing on the physical level.
Color:Black or Green or Brown
Tool/Tarot Suit:The Shield and the Pentacle.
Symbols: Salt, Soil, Bread, Horns, Stone, Leaves, Bark.
Sense: Touch
Scents: Pine, Cedar, Amber, Patchouli, Sandalwood.
Direction: North
Time: Night
Association: Air is the element of the mind, communication, language, writing and imagination. Air is often associated with anything having to do with the mind or mental processes and is often invoked for study, philosophical thought or automatic writing and healing of mental illness.
Color: Yellow
Tool/Tarot Suit: The Dagger and the Sword
Symbols: Feather, Rose, Quill or Pen, Parchment, Book of Shadows, Fan.
Sense: Smell
Scents: Hyssop, Mint, Violet, Moonflower, Lavander.
Direction: East
Time: Sunrise
Association: Water is the element of emotions. It is associated with peace and calm but also sadness and every other emotion. Water is also associated with empathy, mystery and healing on an emotional level.
Color: Blue
Tool/Tarot: The Cauldron and the Cup (or Chalice).
Symbols: Water, Wine, Shells.
Sense: Taste
Scents: Lotus, Vetiver, Cucumber, Rosemary, Orris, Jasmine.
Direction: West
Time: Sunset
Association: Fire represents the will, creativity and passion as well as renewal but also destruction. Fire is also associated with strength and power.
Color: Red
Tool/Tarot: The Wizard's Staff and the Wand
Symbols: Flame, Candles, Lamps, Censer, Incense.
Sense: Sight
Scents: Neroli, Nag Champa, Cinnamon, Allspice, Ginger, Clove.
Direction: South
Time: Midday
Associations: Spirit is the element of the soul, the divine and the supernatural.
Color: White or Purple
Tool/Tarot: Spirit does not have a tool but is associated with the Major Arcana in the Tarot deck.
Symbols: White Light, Quartz, Crystal, Crystal Balls, Crosses, Doves, Smoke.
Sense: Hearing
Scents: Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood
Direction: Up
Time: All Time.
Come check out our Elemental display at the store for more ideas of tools and associations for your altar or elemental workings!
Association:Earth is the element of stability and the physical. Earth is often associated with material well-being such as money, home and prosperity, stubbornness and healing on the physical level.
Color:Black or Green or Brown
Tool/Tarot Suit:The Shield and the Pentacle.
Symbols: Salt, Soil, Bread, Horns, Stone, Leaves, Bark.
Sense: Touch
Scents: Pine, Cedar, Amber, Patchouli, Sandalwood.
Direction: North
Time: Night
Association: Air is the element of the mind, communication, language, writing and imagination. Air is often associated with anything having to do with the mind or mental processes and is often invoked for study, philosophical thought or automatic writing and healing of mental illness.
Color: Yellow
Tool/Tarot Suit: The Dagger and the Sword
Symbols: Feather, Rose, Quill or Pen, Parchment, Book of Shadows, Fan.
Sense: Smell
Scents: Hyssop, Mint, Violet, Moonflower, Lavander.
Direction: East
Time: Sunrise
Association: Water is the element of emotions. It is associated with peace and calm but also sadness and every other emotion. Water is also associated with empathy, mystery and healing on an emotional level.
Color: Blue
Tool/Tarot: The Cauldron and the Cup (or Chalice).
Symbols: Water, Wine, Shells.
Sense: Taste
Scents: Lotus, Vetiver, Cucumber, Rosemary, Orris, Jasmine.
Direction: West
Time: Sunset
Association: Fire represents the will, creativity and passion as well as renewal but also destruction. Fire is also associated with strength and power.
Color: Red
Tool/Tarot: The Wizard's Staff and the Wand
Symbols: Flame, Candles, Lamps, Censer, Incense.
Sense: Sight
Scents: Neroli, Nag Champa, Cinnamon, Allspice, Ginger, Clove.
Direction: South
Time: Midday
Associations: Spirit is the element of the soul, the divine and the supernatural.
Color: White or Purple
Tool/Tarot: Spirit does not have a tool but is associated with the Major Arcana in the Tarot deck.
Symbols: White Light, Quartz, Crystal, Crystal Balls, Crosses, Doves, Smoke.
Sense: Hearing
Scents: Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood
Direction: Up
Time: All Time.
Come check out our Elemental display at the store for more ideas of tools and associations for your altar or elemental workings!
Monday, November 07, 2011
Turning forgotten New Years Resolutions into Remembered Change
The New Year is long gone, and so are good intended New Year’s resolutions. During the turning of the year we become introspective and start mulling over the past year’s events. We see what improvements need to be made and hopefully keep our big promises long enough to see change manifest. We think back on our short comings, should have, would have, could have’s show their ugly faces; when the realization that our big plans for major self-renovations did not all go according to plan we look to the future. Not to worry, we have the birth of yet another year to make more resolutions in hope that this New Year will heed better results.
The cycle continues. We set unrealistically high expectations on ourselves that are unfortunately a set up for disappointments. “I resolve to lose 30 pounds in 6 months!’ “I resolve to exercise daily!” “I resolve to …” Although, these mentioned examples are fantastic in nature, it is unrealistic to stock pile one resolution on top of another with such high expectations and have lasting fruitful outcomes. It is impossible to eat an elephant in its entirety in one sitting, just as it is to conquer all of our phobias, balance our imbalances, exercise daily, renovate the kitchen, volunteer at the local shelter, give up coffee and all sugars in one night! Then if stock piling does not work, and expecting the world from us only leads to disappointment, then what is the answer?
I say baby steps. It would be considered unfair and unrealistic to expect an infant to crawl before they sit upright, so why do we place such high self- expectations on ourselves when it comes to our own self growth? Try a new approach, treat yourself as gently and with as much acceptance as you would an infant. Stay true to yourself, meaning, practice the art of self- love and acceptance. Have compassion and loving kindness for the areas in you that are struggling and imbalanced as much as the strengths and more pleasing attributes of yourself. Love is what love does. Being more mindful, a day at a time, one step at a time, your thoughts and actions will naturally reflect and flow in a healthier, more balanced direction.
In the end, you will keep the best resolution of all, the promise to be true to yourself.
Monika Marczuk, Founder and Owner of Balanced Steps
You can make an appointment to see her for a healing session on Mondays between 11am and 5pm. 30-minute sessions are $35 and 1-hr sessions are $70.
The cycle continues. We set unrealistically high expectations on ourselves that are unfortunately a set up for disappointments. “I resolve to lose 30 pounds in 6 months!’ “I resolve to exercise daily!” “I resolve to …” Although, these mentioned examples are fantastic in nature, it is unrealistic to stock pile one resolution on top of another with such high expectations and have lasting fruitful outcomes. It is impossible to eat an elephant in its entirety in one sitting, just as it is to conquer all of our phobias, balance our imbalances, exercise daily, renovate the kitchen, volunteer at the local shelter, give up coffee and all sugars in one night! Then if stock piling does not work, and expecting the world from us only leads to disappointment, then what is the answer?
I say baby steps. It would be considered unfair and unrealistic to expect an infant to crawl before they sit upright, so why do we place such high self- expectations on ourselves when it comes to our own self growth? Try a new approach, treat yourself as gently and with as much acceptance as you would an infant. Stay true to yourself, meaning, practice the art of self- love and acceptance. Have compassion and loving kindness for the areas in you that are struggling and imbalanced as much as the strengths and more pleasing attributes of yourself. Love is what love does. Being more mindful, a day at a time, one step at a time, your thoughts and actions will naturally reflect and flow in a healthier, more balanced direction.
In the end, you will keep the best resolution of all, the promise to be true to yourself.
Monika Marczuk, Founder and Owner of Balanced Steps
You can make an appointment to see her for a healing session on Mondays between 11am and 5pm. 30-minute sessions are $35 and 1-hr sessions are $70.
Sunday, November 06, 2011
The store was unable to get unscented colored taper candles for a long time, because the suppliers were actually lacking them in the last few years. Some specialized candle stores even went out of business! Well, good news! We have a very large selection of candles made in Germany! They are roughly 8 inches (20cm) long and they're perfect for 7-day spells!
Our section of crystals and tumbled stones is very full!
Come see what we have in stock!
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Annual Yule Fair 2011
This year the Yule Fair will be held over the usual first weekend of December upstairs of Le Melange Magique/The Magical Blend (1928 St-Catherine West, Montreal). A selection of local artists and artisans will have their wares for sale.
Great place and time to find unique gifts for the holidays!
Throughout the weekend we also offer workshops, presentations, discussions, lectures, author talks and more!
If you wish to offer a talk, please contact us. If there is a subject that you think would be interesting, let us know!
On this year's list of talks:
■ Healers Panel Discussion
■ Authors Panel Discussion
■ Energy Work: Creating Sacred Space
■ Way of the Warrior
■ Astrology 2012 (en francais)
■ and more (ALL FREE)
Also on the plan is a Yule Ritual in the evening on Sunday December 4th at 6pm.
Great place and time to find unique gifts for the holidays!
Saturday & Sunday, December 3 & 4, 2011
10:00am to 5:00pm both days.
Saturday the store will be open till 7pm!
10:00am to 5:00pm both days.
Saturday the store will be open till 7pm!
Throughout the weekend we also offer workshops, presentations, discussions, lectures, author talks and more!
If you wish to offer a talk, please contact us. If there is a subject that you think would be interesting, let us know!
On this year's list of talks:
■ Healers Panel Discussion
■ Authors Panel Discussion
■ Energy Work: Creating Sacred Space
■ Way of the Warrior
■ Astrology 2012 (en francais)
■ and more (ALL FREE)
Also on the plan is a Yule Ritual in the evening on Sunday December 4th at 6pm.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
New products in store!

We have received the long-awaited Witch Balls! They are so wonderful and shiny! We have small (3 inch/7 cm diameter) and large (5 inch/13 cm diameter) balls in 2 distinct series: Trees of Enchantments and Birth Months. Each ball is blown by hand, so no two balls are exactly alike, even if there are similar patterns and colors. The best way to choose them is to come in the store and select them yourself.
Small balls are all $20.95.
Large Birth Month balls are $32.95.
Large Tree of Enchantments balls are $42.95.
We also have 2 super cute large glass pumpkins on display, which can be sold as Halloween is over now, at $42.95 each.
We also received a very diverse selection of soapstone incense burners and boats. There are rectangular boats, square and round plates with very nice patterns, either Asian or "witchy" style.
We are restocked in sage bundles, so if you feel like there are nasty energy pockets around your home, you can smudge the corners of each room with sage in a counter-clockwise fashion. This action is useful if you feel there are spirits observing you, whether they are friendly or seem hostile.
The newest items in store as of today are crystal drops and hanging crystals, all with Chakra colored crystal pieces and clear pieces. Their prices vary depending on their style and size, from $11 to $35.
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