Thursday, November 04, 2010

Magical Success Story

August 29th, 2010.
Tsuki, a $2500 Silver Savannah Cat, went missing during a move.
The call for help went out to the community both local and to the magical community.

November 3rd, 2010.
Tsuki has been found and captured and is home safe and sound!

What did we do on the magical side to achieve this?

@ Scarlet's Home:
Upon my altar paten, I placed a photo my my beloved Tsuki.
At the top point of the altar paten's pentacle stood my Bast statue where I invoked the Egyptian cat goddess to watch over him and keep him safe. I brown candle with catnip and protection oil was burned monthly. His blanket was charged with attraction energy to draw him back to familiar grounds and placed in his cat carrier on the back balcony of a neighbors home where he had been spotted. Every night, I visualized him home in my arms and wrapped him in love and health.

@ Samara's Home:
Daily, she wrapped his photo in white light and prayed he remain not far from home and glow to all who see him so he may be found and brought home.

Other people have had white or brown candles lit upon their altars coaxing him to never forget his home and to find his way back before the snow.

Through so much prayer and magic, Tsuki is now back home and safe.

Magic was not the only effort, however. With all acts of magic, there must be a follow-through in the real world. When he was first lost, I contacted all vets, pet stores, shelters in the area to inform them of the loss, in case someone brought him there. I put up posters for on lamp posts and in bus shelters in a 4 block radius. I posted his information on several websites that help track missing pets. Many called with other advise. Setting out his food, blankets and toys in the yard. Sprinkling his soiled litter in places near the home so he finds his own familiar scent. Send fliers to all homes in that 4 block radius. As soon as he was spotted and I confirmed that it was indeed him, I made new fliers with updated information and again posted them in all the mail boxes to remind people. His cat carrier was placed on the back balcony of one home he was frequenting for food. Another home fed him at a regular time each day to coax him close. Consistency and regularity builds routine and confidence. He came to the family and was easily captured.

Magic and real world action created an amazing success story.
Nine weeks is a long time. Other success stories can and do happen. Never lose hope. And ... believe in your magic!

Here is the link to his photos:

Thanks everyone and bright blessing to all!

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