Thursday, May 27, 2010

Keepin' it Cool for the Summer

Its a little hard not to notice that summer has arrived early this year, isn't it? What a heat wave! In an effort to keep cool, here's a list of things that we've found helpful that we thought we'd share in the spirit of enjoying the weather without stressing out:

First things first, iced tea! We have a wide selection of teas and tisanes that make delicious iced teas for your drinking pleasure.
  • Here's a tip to making perfect iced tea: boil your water as per usual and double the amount of tea you'd normally put in your strainer (so about 4 table spoons will do!). Fill a large pitcher halfway with ice. Once your tea has steeped for about 5 minutes in the hot water, pour it over the ice and stir. It will cool down pretty quickly so you can drink it right away.
  • Did you know that most of our teas are fair trade and organic? Its true!
  • We have many pretty tea sets and glass tea pots in store, too!

Next on the list are sarongs! We have a fun and colorful variety in, just in time to dress more loosely to enjoy summer breezes.

A personal favorite of my cool-down tricks are Goddess Milk Bath. Creamy and good for burnt of baked skin, its a great way to relax after a long day out in the sun.

Speaking of being out in the sun, consider a wind chime for your garden or yard! It brings a little touch of magic to the wind, don't you think?

And last but not least, now that school season is just about out, its time to consider your summer reading list! What have you been meaning to catch up on that you've had to set aside during your other studies? Druidry? Wicca? Qabala? Or maybe you've a yearning to learn something new... why not take one of our summer workshops?

Enjoy the weather!

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