Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day 20th Anniversary

The very first international Earth Day celebration was held April 22nd in the year 1990.

~~~~~ Anecdote ~~~~~
I was in CEGEP (college) when it was celebrated for the first time. Our college (John Abbott College of Ste-Annes) engaged in day long celebrations with environmental debates, workshops on how to make your own cleaning or beauty products, art with recycled materials, and promotion of reforestation. In the Agora, our communal gathering hall, science projects were hosted with the theme of recycling or environmental preservation. Also, baby trees were being given away. I adopted a little red dwarf maple and a little elm tree I named Elmo. Elmo is still growing in my parent back yard.
~~~~~ The End ~~~~~

Here are some places on the WEB you can visit for Earth Day events and activities:
Have a wonderful Earth Day!!

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