Monday, June 29, 2009

Rainy day teas

Its been a rather rainy week hasn't it? And with more rain predicted, I'm pretty sure its safe to say that we've all hit a bit of a summer blah. I thought I'd offer a few nice tea ideas, to keep you cozy when its cool and wet or, to keep you cool when the heat gets to be too much.

Let's start with a few choice picks for warm teas. My favorite #1 rainy day tea is Monk's Blend. This is a nice dark tea, with hints of flowers, and it's just perfect for curling up with a nice book, or before meditations.

Another great tea for a day like this is our Bourbon Street Vanilla. Talk about a tea with personality! Sweet and nutty with a rich flavor that I personally just can't get enough of.

For iced teas, we have some AMAZING choices to offer. I HIGHLY recommend the On The Waterfront tea as a rainy day tea. It's a sweet blend of several kinds of mint with flowers and fruit. You barely need to sweeten it at all for it to be -just- right to cool you down.

And if you aren't so much a fan of mints, try our Organic Roman Provence tea. Its full of fruits and spice and with a touch of brown sugar makes a wonderful iced tea alternative.

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