Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Happy Everything!

Happy St-Jean Baptiste Day last Tuesday the 24th of June and Happy Canada Day yesterday (July 1st) to those who celebrate them.

In Canada... or mostly in Quebec, July 1st is like a moving extravaganza! You would think that all Quebec folks had gypsy ancentry!

In light of this, I thought I would post some interesting things for those moving and those with gysy heritage.

Be sure to check the little things (pipes, leaks, outlets, windows, potential pest infestations, locks). Always ask for your locks to be changed when you move in. It is rare these days to be lucky enough to arrive into a clean home as few previous tenants actually are curteous enough to clean before they leave.

Some people will do divination before signing a new lease or buying a new home. This can help give you some insight into the new abode. When you do move, it is wise to do an ultimate house blessing in your home. We offer complete kits for doing just that!

STEP 1: Thoroughly clean your home tops to bottom and inside out!
STEP 2: Take the trash out the back door or out the normal garbage route.
STEP 3: Open the doors and windows, cupboards and closets and sage or cedar smudge the whole house counter-clockwise to purify it of all negativity that might be there from previous tenants.
STEP 4: After the home is thoroughly aired out, Bless your home with a simple water blessing ritual and white candle. Light the white candle in the center of your home and in a bowl of water put three pinches of salt. Then sprinkle every door, windor and corner three times clockwise around the home. You may wish to burn incense or anoint with oils or even prepare a blessing talisman at this time as well. The Ultimate Kit will guide you.
STEP 5: Bring something new into your home. This should be something living like a plant or a pet or something that simply brings you joy.
STEP 6: Protect your home! You can do this by placing crossed willow branches over your front door or place hematite stones in the four farthest corners of your home. You may also wish to anoint your doorframes and window frames with protection oil.
STEP 7: CELEBRATE! Have a house warming party! What better way to liven up your home!


Enjoy the summer and the joys of July!

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