Friday, March 09, 2007

In Memoriam of the Queen of Cats

As many of you know, Knick Knack had not been doing well. She had been very sick, for a very long time. The meds she had been on for her seizures and her thyroid were no longer sufficient. For the past week she had only left the back office of the store for food or cat box needs, and otherwise she slept. She no longer even purred when held or petted.

She was once the most dynamic, friendly and playful cat I knew. She was full of attitude, personality and life. It has been very hard for the staff to watch her suffering from day to day.

Tequila seemed to know what was going on earlier this past week. He had become exceptionally clingy and talkative with the staff for days. Whenever Knicky came to the front of the store he escorted her everywhere, sniffing her, crying at her.

She had been to the vet every few weeks for months. We've honestly done all that we can. And the bottom line is that she should not be made to suffer because we like seeing her at the store. She's more then earned her rest.

This morning we took one last trip to the vet so that we could ease Knick Knack's parting. While it weighed heavily in my heart, I think that it was the right thing to do.

This has been a very hard year for those who are guardians of cats.

If you are of a mind to make an offering in her memory, please donate to your local branch of the SPCA.

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