Ancestral Shrines (Scarlet)
This time of year is especially focused on honoring ancestors while the veil between the worlds is thin and passable. This workshop will help you design an ancestral shrine inspired by some cultures creations and means of honoring their dead.
Wednesday October 28th, 7-9pm $30
*Out of death, comes life.
Forever remember the Cauldron of Transformation
and the seeds left behind
of the burned trees as they birth the new forests.
Out of death, comes life.*
Honoring Ancestors
With the Veil between the worlds thin and passable, this is an idea time for divination or to honor those who have passed from our lived. We can honor ancient ancestors from far back along our family tree. We can honor heroes and heroines who have had an impact on our lives. We can honor recently deceased friends, family members, or even pets.
Public Altar (Sacred Space)
Here at Melange Magique, we provide a sacred space for all. It is a semi-private corner within our store with an altar, shrine and display shelf. All through October, it will be set up as an Ancestral Shrine. Come light a candle, make an offering, or write in our Ancestral Honoring Book. This is your opportunity to say or write whatever you wish or need or never had the chance to before. Say "goodbye" in a spiritual way in our Sacred Space.
Prayer for Letting Go
In this time of loss
Grief weighs heavy upon my heart
I cry my sorrow to the Gods
I ask that my grief be laid to rest
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
October Workshops
* Please Note that there are varying prices for the workshops *
An invigorating workout to reconnect you with the powerful spiritual energy you hold within. Things to bring: yoga mat, blanket, bottle of water, loose comfy clothing. Physically challenging for everybody but doable by everyone
EVERY Thursday evening, 7-8:15pm $13/person/week
MPRC Pagan Discussion Night
Thinning of the Veils: Ghosts and Hauntings
Thursday October 1, 6:45-8:45 pm FREE
To the ancestors Samhain and Beltaine were periods in which the veils would thin out, exposing us to possibilities of “otherworldly” encounters. Samhain approaching, time looses meaning in which past, present and future are blended. It is said that the dead (amongst other things) walk among the living… Do you believe in Ghosts and Hauntings? Have you witnessed or experienced a haunting? Are there different type of hauntings? Are all hauntings caused by a refusal in accepting death? Can hauntings be verified by Science? What about the “demonic” hauntings or possessions? Do you believe in channelling? How can we end unwanted hauntings or provoke one if wanted? Why are hauntings and visits from the dead so related to Samhain? Come share your ghosts stories and spooky tales!
Astrology 101 - Signs and Planets (Catharine)
These are the crucial building blocks to understanding your chart and yourself. This is part one of a series leading up to chart analysis.
Thursday October 1st, 7-9 pm $40
Psychic Development I (Catharine)
Discover the many ways we receive our psychic gifts. Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling etc. Practical exercises to help identify your particular gift. Discussion and questions answered. There will be a guided meditation and message circle where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Saturday October 3rd, 12-2pm $40
Psychic Development II (Catharine)
Take the next step in your development by exploring multiple ways of receiving messages and visions. We will do more in depth work with meditation, energy work and practice readings on each other. Guided meditation and message circle follows, where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine! Thursday September 10th, 7-9 pm $40
Saturday October 3rd, 3-5pm $40
Angel Synchronicity (Kate)
In these uncertain times, one thing is certain: there are angels who are able to help us here on Earth. We have to remember to do two things: to first ask for help (aloud), and two, to notice when they are trying to get in touch with us. They let us know in several ways, but one of the most intriguing and fun ways is synchronicity. In the workshop we will come up with a definition of a "synchronicity moment", do some group sharing, do some writing or art (whatever comes easiest to you), and I will be presenting some angel material. There are certain things you can do in your daily life to attract the angels. I have been collaborating with the angels for nearly eighteen years, in spiritual guidance readings and healings as well as in workshops in Vermont and Switzerland.
Sunday October 4th, 2-4pm $30
Aura Cleansing (Scarlet)
As we move through life and struggle with the daily events, our aura can sometimes become cluttered and cloudy, making us feel heavy and drained. Learn how to cleanse someone's aura as Scarlet learned it from her Louisiana teacher. This is a traditional hoodoo aura sweeping workshop that involves a practicum with those participating.
Wednesday October 7th 7-9pm $30
Developing Daily Practice (Amanda)
Daily spiritual practice is a commitment to self-care, as well as personal and spiritual growth. Depending on your tradition and beliefs, it may also be a commitment to your gods, coven- or Craft-mates. For a daily practice to work for you, it has to be something that satisfies your spiritual goals and that you enjoy. It also must fit into your daily life. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the reasons for undertaking a daily practice, as well as its most common forms and commonly-encountered obstacles. We will then develop individual plans for starting, and maintaining, a daily spiritual practice.
Thursday October 8th 7-9pm $25
Psychic Development I (Catharine)
Discover the many ways we receive our psychic gifts. Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling etc. Practical exercises to help identify your particular gift. Discussion and questions answered. There will be a guided meditation and message circle where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Thursday October 8th, 7-9pm $40
Psychic Development I (Catharine)
Discover the many ways we receive our psychic gifts. Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling etc. Practical exercises to help identify your particular gift. Discussion and questions answered. There will be a guided meditation and message circle where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Saturday October 10th, 12-2pm $40
Psychic Development II (Catharine)
Take the next step in your development by exploring multiple ways of receiving messages and visions. We will do more in depth work with meditation, energy work and practice readings on each other. Guided meditation and message circle follows, where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Saturday October 10th, 3-5pm $40
Reiki Level One (Robyn)
Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.
Sunday October 11th, 11-5pm $150
Tarot I (Scarlet)
This is a beginner workshop to help people chose, protect, and work with their tarot deck. Within this workshop, students will explore the archetypes of the Major Arcana
Wednesday October 14th, 7-9pm $30
Introduction to Crystal Healing (Robyn)
There are many ways one can explore alternative healing these days, but one of the more popular and easily accessible ways is the laying on of stones on the body to re-align energies, combat maladies and increase the body's natural harmony. Join us in this introductory workshop to learn more about this peaceful mode of healing
Thursday October 15th, 7-9 pm $30
Le Channelling Démystifié (Kristalla) FREE FRENCH WORKSHOP
Pourquoi tant d’entités sont canalisées? Pourquoi les entités parlent-elles à travers les humains? Comment reconnaître la provenance d’une entité? Qu’est-ce qui détermine qu’un humain sera médium? Y a-t-il de vrais et de faux médiums? Comment les reconnaît-on? Si une de ces questions vous anime, ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous!
Thursday October 15th, 7-9pm FREE
Psychic Development III (Catharine)
For everyone who has completed level 1 and 2 this workshop is available to you! We will begin to give readings to each other and you will be guided to go deeper into what you sense. We also will talk about ethics, how, what,if and when to tell others what you see for them. This is meant to be intensive so there will be no more than 4 people in the course at a time
Saturday October 17th, 12-2:30pm $50
Psychic Practice Circle (Catharine)
This is a workshop open to everyone who has the desire to practice their intuitive skills. You will be guided to do various types of readings on each other - so come on out!
aturday October 17th, 3:30-5:30pm $20
Tarot II (Scarlet)
This is a beginner workshop to help people chose, protect, and work with their tarot deck. Within this workshop, students will explore the archetypes of the Major Arcana.
Wednesday October 21st, 7-9pm $30
Creating a Spiritual Retreat (Amanda)
Sometimes we want to delve more deeply into a spiritual concept, practice or relationship than we are able to in our usual daily lives. Other times, we may have a single small thing that we never quite get around to. How do we create the space— physical and mental—to facilitate these experiences? In this workshop we will explore the concept of creating and implementing a personal mini-retreat around specific desires for deepening our spiritual practice. Please come prepared to work on a specific spiritual aspect or goal.
Thursday October 22nd, 7-9pm $25
Conference par Channelling (Kristalla) FRENCH WORKSHOP
D’où proviennent nos cycles de souffrance? D’origine, ne sommes-nous point des êtres divins? Alors comment nous sommes- nous séparés de notre Identité Première? On nous a conté tellement d’histoires! Où est donc la réalité, et où le mythe? Réjouissez-vous, des entités divines, les Maîtres de l’Incarnation Planétaire viennent nous révéler la vérité sur nos origines et tout démystifier ! Si une de ces questions vous anime, cette conférence est pour vous!
Thursday October 22nd, 7-9pm $20
Mediumship Circle (Catharine)
Exploring what mediumship is and what it is not. We will attempt to contact those who have crossed over so you may bring a photo or an object of the person or pet if you wish. There will be a guided meditation, discussion and messages from spirit with Catharine.
Saturday October 24th, 1-4pm $50
Reiki Level Two (Robyn)
This course is only open to Reiki practitioners who have already received their First Degree of Reiki. Topics covered will include Reiki symbols and their uses, long-distance treatments, mental/emotional healing treatments, mind-to-mind techniques, chakra harmonization, Crystal grids and and formal initiation to the second degree of the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki using the American Reiki Mastery Association's style of initiations.
Sunday October 25th,11-5pm,$250
Dark Side of Faerie (Samantha)
We have all seen images of happy, flighty faeries sitting on toadstools and amongst vibrant flowers. This is only one side of their vast world. I urge you to learn about the darker faeries from the old tales, when faeries were feared and offerings were not placed to attract but to protect yourself from them. Learn how to recognize warnings of their presence, what precautions to take, and what to do if you find yourself ensnared by their glamour.
Tuesday October 27th, 7-9 pm $30
An invigorating workout to reconnect you with the powerful spiritual energy you hold within. Things to bring: yoga mat, blanket, bottle of water, loose comfy clothing. Physically challenging for everybody but doable by everyone
EVERY Thursday evening, 7-8:15pm $13/person/week
MPRC Pagan Discussion Night
Thinning of the Veils: Ghosts and Hauntings
Thursday October 1, 6:45-8:45 pm FREE
To the ancestors Samhain and Beltaine were periods in which the veils would thin out, exposing us to possibilities of “otherworldly” encounters. Samhain approaching, time looses meaning in which past, present and future are blended. It is said that the dead (amongst other things) walk among the living… Do you believe in Ghosts and Hauntings? Have you witnessed or experienced a haunting? Are there different type of hauntings? Are all hauntings caused by a refusal in accepting death? Can hauntings be verified by Science? What about the “demonic” hauntings or possessions? Do you believe in channelling? How can we end unwanted hauntings or provoke one if wanted? Why are hauntings and visits from the dead so related to Samhain? Come share your ghosts stories and spooky tales!
Astrology 101 - Signs and Planets (Catharine)
These are the crucial building blocks to understanding your chart and yourself. This is part one of a series leading up to chart analysis.
Thursday October 1st, 7-9 pm $40
Psychic Development I (Catharine)
Discover the many ways we receive our psychic gifts. Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling etc. Practical exercises to help identify your particular gift. Discussion and questions answered. There will be a guided meditation and message circle where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Saturday October 3rd, 12-2pm $40
Psychic Development II (Catharine)
Take the next step in your development by exploring multiple ways of receiving messages and visions. We will do more in depth work with meditation, energy work and practice readings on each other. Guided meditation and message circle follows, where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine! Thursday September 10th, 7-9 pm $40
Saturday October 3rd, 3-5pm $40
Angel Synchronicity (Kate)
In these uncertain times, one thing is certain: there are angels who are able to help us here on Earth. We have to remember to do two things: to first ask for help (aloud), and two, to notice when they are trying to get in touch with us. They let us know in several ways, but one of the most intriguing and fun ways is synchronicity. In the workshop we will come up with a definition of a "synchronicity moment", do some group sharing, do some writing or art (whatever comes easiest to you), and I will be presenting some angel material. There are certain things you can do in your daily life to attract the angels. I have been collaborating with the angels for nearly eighteen years, in spiritual guidance readings and healings as well as in workshops in Vermont and Switzerland.
Sunday October 4th, 2-4pm $30
Aura Cleansing (Scarlet)
As we move through life and struggle with the daily events, our aura can sometimes become cluttered and cloudy, making us feel heavy and drained. Learn how to cleanse someone's aura as Scarlet learned it from her Louisiana teacher. This is a traditional hoodoo aura sweeping workshop that involves a practicum with those participating.
Wednesday October 7th 7-9pm $30
Developing Daily Practice (Amanda)
Daily spiritual practice is a commitment to self-care, as well as personal and spiritual growth. Depending on your tradition and beliefs, it may also be a commitment to your gods, coven- or Craft-mates. For a daily practice to work for you, it has to be something that satisfies your spiritual goals and that you enjoy. It also must fit into your daily life. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the reasons for undertaking a daily practice, as well as its most common forms and commonly-encountered obstacles. We will then develop individual plans for starting, and maintaining, a daily spiritual practice.
Thursday October 8th 7-9pm $25
Psychic Development I (Catharine)
Discover the many ways we receive our psychic gifts. Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling etc. Practical exercises to help identify your particular gift. Discussion and questions answered. There will be a guided meditation and message circle where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Thursday October 8th, 7-9pm $40
Psychic Development I (Catharine)
Discover the many ways we receive our psychic gifts. Intuition, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Channeling etc. Practical exercises to help identify your particular gift. Discussion and questions answered. There will be a guided meditation and message circle where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Saturday October 10th, 12-2pm $40
Psychic Development II (Catharine)
Take the next step in your development by exploring multiple ways of receiving messages and visions. We will do more in depth work with meditation, energy work and practice readings on each other. Guided meditation and message circle follows, where everyone will get psychic messages from Catharine!
Saturday October 10th, 3-5pm $40
Reiki Level One (Robyn)
Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.
Sunday October 11th, 11-5pm $150
Tarot I (Scarlet)
This is a beginner workshop to help people chose, protect, and work with their tarot deck. Within this workshop, students will explore the archetypes of the Major Arcana
Wednesday October 14th, 7-9pm $30
Introduction to Crystal Healing (Robyn)
There are many ways one can explore alternative healing these days, but one of the more popular and easily accessible ways is the laying on of stones on the body to re-align energies, combat maladies and increase the body's natural harmony. Join us in this introductory workshop to learn more about this peaceful mode of healing
Thursday October 15th, 7-9 pm $30
Le Channelling Démystifié (Kristalla) FREE FRENCH WORKSHOP
Pourquoi tant d’entités sont canalisées? Pourquoi les entités parlent-elles à travers les humains? Comment reconnaître la provenance d’une entité? Qu’est-ce qui détermine qu’un humain sera médium? Y a-t-il de vrais et de faux médiums? Comment les reconnaît-on? Si une de ces questions vous anime, ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous!
Thursday October 15th, 7-9pm FREE
Psychic Development III (Catharine)
For everyone who has completed level 1 and 2 this workshop is available to you! We will begin to give readings to each other and you will be guided to go deeper into what you sense. We also will talk about ethics, how, what,if and when to tell others what you see for them. This is meant to be intensive so there will be no more than 4 people in the course at a time
Saturday October 17th, 12-2:30pm $50
Psychic Practice Circle (Catharine)
This is a workshop open to everyone who has the desire to practice their intuitive skills. You will be guided to do various types of readings on each other - so come on out!
aturday October 17th, 3:30-5:30pm $20
Tarot II (Scarlet)
This is a beginner workshop to help people chose, protect, and work with their tarot deck. Within this workshop, students will explore the archetypes of the Major Arcana.
Wednesday October 21st, 7-9pm $30
Creating a Spiritual Retreat (Amanda)
Sometimes we want to delve more deeply into a spiritual concept, practice or relationship than we are able to in our usual daily lives. Other times, we may have a single small thing that we never quite get around to. How do we create the space— physical and mental—to facilitate these experiences? In this workshop we will explore the concept of creating and implementing a personal mini-retreat around specific desires for deepening our spiritual practice. Please come prepared to work on a specific spiritual aspect or goal.
Thursday October 22nd, 7-9pm $25
Conference par Channelling (Kristalla) FRENCH WORKSHOP
D’où proviennent nos cycles de souffrance? D’origine, ne sommes-nous point des êtres divins? Alors comment nous sommes- nous séparés de notre Identité Première? On nous a conté tellement d’histoires! Où est donc la réalité, et où le mythe? Réjouissez-vous, des entités divines, les Maîtres de l’Incarnation Planétaire viennent nous révéler la vérité sur nos origines et tout démystifier ! Si une de ces questions vous anime, cette conférence est pour vous!
Thursday October 22nd, 7-9pm $20
Mediumship Circle (Catharine)
Exploring what mediumship is and what it is not. We will attempt to contact those who have crossed over so you may bring a photo or an object of the person or pet if you wish. There will be a guided meditation, discussion and messages from spirit with Catharine.
Saturday October 24th, 1-4pm $50
Reiki Level Two (Robyn)
This course is only open to Reiki practitioners who have already received their First Degree of Reiki. Topics covered will include Reiki symbols and their uses, long-distance treatments, mental/emotional healing treatments, mind-to-mind techniques, chakra harmonization, Crystal grids and and formal initiation to the second degree of the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki using the American Reiki Mastery Association's style of initiations.
Sunday October 25th,11-5pm,$250
Dark Side of Faerie (Samantha)
We have all seen images of happy, flighty faeries sitting on toadstools and amongst vibrant flowers. This is only one side of their vast world. I urge you to learn about the darker faeries from the old tales, when faeries were feared and offerings were not placed to attract but to protect yourself from them. Learn how to recognize warnings of their presence, what precautions to take, and what to do if you find yourself ensnared by their glamour.
Tuesday October 27th, 7-9 pm $30
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sunday Sabbat Sale
Mabon is right around the corner!
Sunday Sabbat Sale
Sunday September 20th 12-5pm
10% off Everything in the store!!
Sunday Sabbat Sale
Sunday September 20th 12-5pm
10% off Everything in the store!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Free Mystery Blend incense
If you come into our store and talk like a pirate!!
Saturday September 19th
Come have fun with us on International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!
Staff and their friends will be there dressed like Pirates!
Don't just TALK like a pirate, DRESS like one too!!
AARRrrrhhh Ye Maties! Join us!
Or ye be walkin' the plank...
Saturday September 19th
Come have fun with us on International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!
Staff and their friends will be there dressed like Pirates!
Don't just TALK like a pirate, DRESS like one too!!
AARRrrrhhh Ye Maties! Join us!
Or ye be walkin' the plank...
Mabon News & Ideas
Mabon is a time of harvest. In Canada, it is our largest harvest festival.
Celebrate it with family and friends gathering to make home made preserves. Here are some links to help you out with your harvest preserving projects. Make a PARTY of it!!
Mmmmm.... try one of our favorites: Apple Butter
Have kids? Are a kid at heart? How about making an apple craft: Granny Smiths!
At the store you can buy all you need for your harvest celebration. We have Mabon resin incense, books like "Autumn Exuinox", or pick up the Sabbat Oil collection and be ready for all the sabbats!
This is an announcement for the public Mabon ritual that will be held this Saturday, September 19th, at Angrinon Park at noon.
Come celebrate with us this harvest festival. We will be re-enacting the death of the god, as the sacrifice for the harvest.
As this is a public ritual, feel free to invite friends and family members if you wish. If you have never been to a ritual before, this should be a good first experience!
Try to bring your drums and rattles if you have any and of course some feast food you wish to share.
We will be meeting at the entrance to Angrinon Metro (Ville LaSalle) at noon and together will migrate to the ritual site. The ritual may take 40 minutes, and the feast will be held immediately after.
This ritual will be held whether rain or shine! Come and enjoy nature in all her forms.
Your Mabon Ritual Hosts,
Rosanne and Alex
Celebrate it with family and friends gathering to make home made preserves. Here are some links to help you out with your harvest preserving projects. Make a PARTY of it!!
Mmmmm.... try one of our favorites: Apple Butter
Have kids? Are a kid at heart? How about making an apple craft: Granny Smiths!
At the store you can buy all you need for your harvest celebration. We have Mabon resin incense, books like "Autumn Exuinox", or pick up the Sabbat Oil collection and be ready for all the sabbats!
This is an announcement for the public Mabon ritual that will be held this Saturday, September 19th, at Angrinon Park at noon.
Come celebrate with us this harvest festival. We will be re-enacting the death of the god, as the sacrifice for the harvest.
As this is a public ritual, feel free to invite friends and family members if you wish. If you have never been to a ritual before, this should be a good first experience!
Try to bring your drums and rattles if you have any and of course some feast food you wish to share.
We will be meeting at the entrance to Angrinon Metro (Ville LaSalle) at noon and together will migrate to the ritual site. The ritual may take 40 minutes, and the feast will be held immediately after.
This ritual will be held whether rain or shine! Come and enjoy nature in all her forms.
Your Mabon Ritual Hosts,
Rosanne and Alex
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
18th Anniversary
Melange Magique / Magical Blend
18 Years Old
Opened on September 11th, 1991
Come celebrate with us throughout the weekend!!
Melange Magique / Magical Blend
18 Years Old
Opened on September 11th, 1991
Come celebrate with us throughout the weekend!!
Daily Raffles
You may enter once per day for a chance to win a free 30-minute reading with one of our three psychic readers. The draws will be at the end of each day. Our readers include: Catharine (Tarot & Astrology), Samara (Psychometry), and Rina (Palmistry & Aura Reading)
Book Rewards are BACK!!
We are reinstating the popular Book Rewards cards starting Friday September 11th. Come ask for your card and start collecting the rewards! With every book purchase, we will stamp your card. After your tenth stamp, you will receive $10 off your next (11th) book purchase.
Daily Surprise Sales all Weekend
Friday through Sunday (September 11th through 13th) we will announce a different surprise in-store sale. Come in each day and find out what is on sale for the day!
Tea Corner Treasures
Along with a delicious tea (one of the many we sell or blend in store), we will offer a selection of extra cookies and other treats at our tea corner.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
New Reader on Mondays!
We have a new reader available!
Her name is Rina, and she comes to us with over 40 years' experience. By simply holding your hands, she can see past and future events. She can help with many different situations in your life: she can aid in protecting you and guiding you as well as warning you of upcoming situations. Her calming voice and soothing personality add to her natural psychic abilities, making any visit with her a very deep experience.
She is available on Mondays, from 1pm until 5:30pm.
Her name is Rina, and she comes to us with over 40 years' experience. By simply holding your hands, she can see past and future events. She can help with many different situations in your life: she can aid in protecting you and guiding you as well as warning you of upcoming situations. Her calming voice and soothing personality add to her natural psychic abilities, making any visit with her a very deep experience.
She is available on Mondays, from 1pm until 5:30pm.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Staff Picks for the Fall
Scarlet's Recommendations: Protecting Yourself
Psychic Protection by Ted Andrews
ISBN: 1888767308 $20.95
From one of the most experienced and best teachers in the psychic/holistic field today comes a handbook for psychic self-defense that everyone can use. At a time when so much information is available and so many present themselves as experts, a down-to-earth manual of psychic principles and common sense practices has never been so needed.
Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual by Jason Miller
ISBN: 1564148793 $19.50
You could be the target of a spell or a curse and not even know it! Powerful, invisible spirits may be threatening your health, relationships, or job. With Protection & Reversal Magick, you can fight back - and win the battle. Psychic, magickal, and spiritual attacks happen more often than even most Witch's and Magicians realize. The circumstances of attack vary but include: crossed conditions brought on by visiting disturbed or haunted places, aggression from spirits in retribution for human actions like pollution, experimental magick gone wrong, accidental attacks by psychics, and intentional curses by Witches and Magicians. All people, Witches or not, are susceptible to these attacks. The difference - Witches and Magicians can do something about it. Now you can too. Protection & Reversal Magick is a complete how-to manual on preventing, defending, and reversing magickal attacks of any kind.
Robyn's Recommendations: Traditional Craft
Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald Gardner
ISBN: 1578633095 $31.95
A sourcebook for all witches and pagans, this much sought-after volume is finally available again. First published in 1959, not long after laws punishing witches were repealed, it was the first sympathetic book written from the point of view of a practicing witch. Gardner's book opened the door for the modern revival of Wicca and neo-paganism.
Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition by Raven Grimassi
ISBN: 0738705969 $21.95
Understanding the Mystery Teachings of Witchcraft is essential for anyone wishing to enrich their Craft. World-renowned author and scholar Raven Grimassi guides readers down the well-worn path to these Mystery traditions by exploring their roots in myths, legends, verses, and lore. Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition provides a cultural and mythical context that helps readers gain insight into these Mystery themes. Drawing upon the long-standing traditional European Witchcraft and occult concepts and tenets, Grimassi constructs a cohesive mythos that supports and unifies the Sabbats and their associated deities. Also provided are techniques for aligning with the momentum of the past, a powerful current of knowledge and energy available to all Witches.
Llewellyn's Astrological Pocket Planner
ISBN: 9780738706955 $10.95Consult the stars anytime, anywhere, with this easy-to-use astrological day planner. From setting a wedding date to buying a house, you can use this essential cosmic database to plan your life according to planets. Featuring three years of ephemeris and aspectarian data (2009-2011), you'll learn the best time to plant a garden, begin new projects, conduct self-reflection, go fishing, and more. The easy-to-read retrograde and Moon void-of-course tables can help you avoid planetary pitfalls when scheduling business meetings and other activities. Comprehensive and compact, Llewellyn's 2010 Astrological Pocket Planner also contains a world map of time zones, a time zone conversion chart, and space to jot down your daily appointments.
Brenda's Recommendations: Spellcrafting
Seasons of the Witch: Poetry & Songs to the Goddess by Patricia Monaghan
ISBN: 0738701807 $31.95 (includes CD)
There are 28 pieces of prose and poetry for each of the four seasons in this publication. Each section features a song for the goddess of light, a litany for the associated elemental creature, poems inspired by tarot cards and love spells in the ancient poetic form of the charm. A four-part "Goddess Instruction Manual" is woven through the book and included is a 73-minute CD of 25 poems set to song.
Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions by Dorothy Morrison
ISBN: 0979453313 $18.95
Hexes, curses and other unsavory notions. Most magical practitioners won't even discuss them. Why? Because they'd much rather find a positive solution that benefits all concerned. And, there's nothing wrong with that. Occasionally, though, our problems are such that nothing in the positive solution arena will handle them. It's time to make a decision to stand tough, be strong, and take definitive action to defend ourselves. And, if you're ready to do that-if you're ready to own that action and take responsibility for it-then Utterly Wicked is the book for you! Jam-packed with more than one hundred rituals, incantations, hexes and curses, this book is the quintessential primer for learning all those magical tricks that no one wants to talk about. Do you know the proper way to enter a cemetery? Utterly Wicked tells you how, as well as the proper methods for collecting and using graveyard dirt. Explore the little known secrets of the 11 inch fashion doll and see why it's become such a valuable magical tool. Then learn to prepare Hot Foot Powder, Four Thieves Vinegar, Goofer Dust, and other magical components specifically designed to obliterate your toughest problems. Most important, though, you'll also find the tools to protect yourself, your family, and your home from ever being bothered with these sorts of difficulties again. A must have for any Witch's bookshelf!
Samantha's Recommendations: Color Magick
Color Magic for Beginners by Richard Webster
ISBN: 0738708860 $15.95
From our clothes to the color of our bedroom walls, we are surrounded by colors that influence our mood, energy level, creativity, and overall well being. Richard Webster offers an astonishing number of ways to use stimulating reds, soothing blues, and every other color of the rainbow to our advantage. Webster begins with an overall picture of each color's major aspects-its psychological influence, healing qualities, emotional impact, and magical characteristics. From there, readers learn a multitude of color-based techniques involving astrology, the aura, candle magic, chakras, color rituals, crystals and gemstones, feng shui, flower magic, mandalas, meditation, numerology, and visualization. Webster demonstrates how color can be used to attract good luck, heal illness, reduce stress, create harmony in the home, overcome depression, solve problems, and magically enhance one's life in a variety of ways.
Eri's Recommendations: Faeries
Faeries (25th Anniversary Edition) by Brian Froud
ISBN: 0810932741 $39.95
It has been 25 years since Brian Froud and Alan Lee created the delightful, imaginative, and surprising Faeries -a book that quickly became a massive international bestseller and went on to sell more than a million copies. In celebration of Faeries 25th anniversary, Abrams is delighted to publish a special edition featuring eight new pages and 20 new pieces of art by Froud and Lee. The artists have also contributed new introductions. Since Faeries first appeared, both men have become tremendously successful and respected figures in the worlds of film, art, and publishing. But Faeries remains perhaps their most enduring work, a superb exploration of the myths, legends, folklore, and fantasy of the world of the faeries.
Psychic Protection by Ted Andrews
ISBN: 1888767308 $20.95
From one of the most experienced and best teachers in the psychic/holistic field today comes a handbook for psychic self-defense that everyone can use. At a time when so much information is available and so many present themselves as experts, a down-to-earth manual of psychic principles and common sense practices has never been so needed.
Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual by Jason Miller
ISBN: 1564148793 $19.50
You could be the target of a spell or a curse and not even know it! Powerful, invisible spirits may be threatening your health, relationships, or job. With Protection & Reversal Magick, you can fight back - and win the battle. Psychic, magickal, and spiritual attacks happen more often than even most Witch's and Magicians realize. The circumstances of attack vary but include: crossed conditions brought on by visiting disturbed or haunted places, aggression from spirits in retribution for human actions like pollution, experimental magick gone wrong, accidental attacks by psychics, and intentional curses by Witches and Magicians. All people, Witches or not, are susceptible to these attacks. The difference - Witches and Magicians can do something about it. Now you can too. Protection & Reversal Magick is a complete how-to manual on preventing, defending, and reversing magickal attacks of any kind.
Robyn's Recommendations: Traditional Craft
Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald Gardner
ISBN: 1578633095 $31.95
A sourcebook for all witches and pagans, this much sought-after volume is finally available again. First published in 1959, not long after laws punishing witches were repealed, it was the first sympathetic book written from the point of view of a practicing witch. Gardner's book opened the door for the modern revival of Wicca and neo-paganism.
Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition by Raven Grimassi
ISBN: 0738705969 $21.95
Understanding the Mystery Teachings of Witchcraft is essential for anyone wishing to enrich their Craft. World-renowned author and scholar Raven Grimassi guides readers down the well-worn path to these Mystery traditions by exploring their roots in myths, legends, verses, and lore. Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition provides a cultural and mythical context that helps readers gain insight into these Mystery themes. Drawing upon the long-standing traditional European Witchcraft and occult concepts and tenets, Grimassi constructs a cohesive mythos that supports and unifies the Sabbats and their associated deities. Also provided are techniques for aligning with the momentum of the past, a powerful current of knowledge and energy available to all Witches.
Llewellyn's Astrological Pocket Planner
ISBN: 9780738706955 $10.95Consult the stars anytime, anywhere, with this easy-to-use astrological day planner. From setting a wedding date to buying a house, you can use this essential cosmic database to plan your life according to planets. Featuring three years of ephemeris and aspectarian data (2009-2011), you'll learn the best time to plant a garden, begin new projects, conduct self-reflection, go fishing, and more. The easy-to-read retrograde and Moon void-of-course tables can help you avoid planetary pitfalls when scheduling business meetings and other activities. Comprehensive and compact, Llewellyn's 2010 Astrological Pocket Planner also contains a world map of time zones, a time zone conversion chart, and space to jot down your daily appointments.
- Small Cast Iron Cauldron with lid
- 3 Kings Charcoal Tablets
- Frankincense & Myrrh Ritual Resin
- Collectionnes Ambiances Musique: Les Chakras
Brenda's Recommendations: Spellcrafting
Seasons of the Witch: Poetry & Songs to the Goddess by Patricia Monaghan
ISBN: 0738701807 $31.95 (includes CD)
There are 28 pieces of prose and poetry for each of the four seasons in this publication. Each section features a song for the goddess of light, a litany for the associated elemental creature, poems inspired by tarot cards and love spells in the ancient poetic form of the charm. A four-part "Goddess Instruction Manual" is woven through the book and included is a 73-minute CD of 25 poems set to song.
Utterly Wicked: Curses, Hexes & Other Unsavory Notions by Dorothy Morrison
ISBN: 0979453313 $18.95
Hexes, curses and other unsavory notions. Most magical practitioners won't even discuss them. Why? Because they'd much rather find a positive solution that benefits all concerned. And, there's nothing wrong with that. Occasionally, though, our problems are such that nothing in the positive solution arena will handle them. It's time to make a decision to stand tough, be strong, and take definitive action to defend ourselves. And, if you're ready to do that-if you're ready to own that action and take responsibility for it-then Utterly Wicked is the book for you! Jam-packed with more than one hundred rituals, incantations, hexes and curses, this book is the quintessential primer for learning all those magical tricks that no one wants to talk about. Do you know the proper way to enter a cemetery? Utterly Wicked tells you how, as well as the proper methods for collecting and using graveyard dirt. Explore the little known secrets of the 11 inch fashion doll and see why it's become such a valuable magical tool. Then learn to prepare Hot Foot Powder, Four Thieves Vinegar, Goofer Dust, and other magical components specifically designed to obliterate your toughest problems. Most important, though, you'll also find the tools to protect yourself, your family, and your home from ever being bothered with these sorts of difficulties again. A must have for any Witch's bookshelf!
Samantha's Recommendations: Color Magick
Color Magic for Beginners by Richard Webster
ISBN: 0738708860 $15.95
From our clothes to the color of our bedroom walls, we are surrounded by colors that influence our mood, energy level, creativity, and overall well being. Richard Webster offers an astonishing number of ways to use stimulating reds, soothing blues, and every other color of the rainbow to our advantage. Webster begins with an overall picture of each color's major aspects-its psychological influence, healing qualities, emotional impact, and magical characteristics. From there, readers learn a multitude of color-based techniques involving astrology, the aura, candle magic, chakras, color rituals, crystals and gemstones, feng shui, flower magic, mandalas, meditation, numerology, and visualization. Webster demonstrates how color can be used to attract good luck, heal illness, reduce stress, create harmony in the home, overcome depression, solve problems, and magically enhance one's life in a variety of ways.
- Feather Quills of Dyed Turkey Feathers: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow
- Colored Velvet Pouches
- Green Crackle Quartz
- Chakra Pendulum
- Chakra Information Flash Cards
Eri's Recommendations: Faeries
Faeries (25th Anniversary Edition) by Brian Froud
ISBN: 0810932741 $39.95
It has been 25 years since Brian Froud and Alan Lee created the delightful, imaginative, and surprising Faeries -a book that quickly became a massive international bestseller and went on to sell more than a million copies. In celebration of Faeries 25th anniversary, Abrams is delighted to publish a special edition featuring eight new pages and 20 new pieces of art by Froud and Lee. The artists have also contributed new introductions. Since Faeries first appeared, both men have become tremendously successful and respected figures in the worlds of film, art, and publishing. But Faeries remains perhaps their most enduring work, a superb exploration of the myths, legends, folklore, and fantasy of the world of the faeries.
- Faery Attraction Incense
- Faery Protection talisman kit
- Witches Brew Votive Candle: Amber Moon
- Dumplin Drum
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