Friday, June 29, 2007

Yahoogroup Elist

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There are many exciting chakra bits of news to tell you all! I am so excited! We have been in the planning for various chakra projects. And finally today we begin to offer these to the puplic!

Chakra Information Card set:
One card for each chakra containing concise correspondance information. (total of 7 cards)

Chakra Oil kit:
Set of eight (5ml) oils, one for each of the seven chakras plus one for the secondary chakras.

Chakra Gem & Oil kit: (coming soon)
Set of seven stones (one for each chakra) and a chakra balancing oil in a velvet pouch.

Chakra Resin Incense kit: (coming soon)
Set of seven resin incense blends for meditating on each chakra. Roll of charcoal included.

Individual Chakra kit: (coming soon)
One set per chakra. Each contains the resin incense, a stone, 5ml bottle of oil, colored candle and roll of charcoal in a velvet pouch.

Ultimate Chakra kit: (coming soon)
Contains the full set of chakra cards, set fo chakra stones, set of chakra oils, set of chakra resin inceses and seven candles of the colors of the chakras.

We hope to be able to offer the resin incenses for each chakra individually as well for $4.95.


Chakras 101 (Nathalie)
What are chakras? What are they for? How can I make use of them in my everyday life? This workshop is meant as an introduction for people that aren't familiar with the chakras or have maybe heard of them but aren't quite sure what to make of them. We will answer the questions abore and give an overview of this rather complex subject.
*There will be some practical exercises, so please wear loose and comfortable clothing and bring a floor mat or cushion .*
Saturday July 14th, 2-4 PM $30

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


This morning Scarlet and I arrived to find that overnight someone had shot out our front door with a BB-gun. The glass was still in place, but was fractured into hundreds of little pieces, like an intricate spiderweb. Happily, our door is shatterproof and two-paned, so the store was still secure, but what a shock!

The door will be repaired in short order (thanks to our lovely insurance company), but we're feeling a little sorry for ourselves. Come out and show us some love, please!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Spellcrafting success!

Thanks to those who turned out for yesterday's Spellcrafting 101 class! I was so pleased by the positive feedback and how well things went that I will be hosting another Spellcrafting 101 course on Sunday August 5th from 1-3pm, as well as a Spellcrafting 201 'Methods' class on Sunday August 26th from 1-3pm. Both courses will cost $30 as usual.

Call in to find out more!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Workshops for June 2007

All workshops are held at the store at 1928 St-Catherine West, Montreal, 514-938-1458. Please register in advance (48 hrs).


PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Level I (Catherine) Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.Thursday June 21st, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00

SPELLCRAFTING 101 (Robyn) At last! A course to cover the basics of how to know what goes into making a spell! Correspondences, suggestions, basics and more! Everything you need to know to make your own spells.Sunday June 24th, 1-3 pm, $30

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Level I (Catherine) Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.Thursday June 28th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00

METHODS OF MEDITATION (Robyn) Have you ever wanted to meditate, but are not certain which technique will work best for you? Meditation is a means by which people work toward a sense of balance, stress relief and inner harmony. Join us for an afternoon of relaxation and together we will explore several different meditation styles and theories to help you find the way that feels most right for you.*There will be some practical exercises, so please wear loose and comfortable clothing and bring a floor mat or cushion .* Friday June 29th, 7-9 pm $30

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Level II (Catherine) Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.Saturday June 30th, 2-4 pm, $30

TEA MEDITATION WORKSHOP (Scarlet) Come learn the tradition of Chinese Tea Meditations as Scarlet guides you through the symbols and actions of etiquette and being in the NOW with unique selected teas.Wednesday July 4th 7-9 pm $10

Native Scents

Melange Magique just received a shipment!
We now have various types of sage and sage blend smudges,
as well as sweetgrass braids once again in stock!!

Sage is used to purify your home abd banish negativity.
Mixed with lavender, it will also calm the energy is excited locations, like tense family relationship.

Sweetgrass is for blessing your environment and bringing in positive energy.
It is also used for ancestral worship and communication, especially with spirit guides.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Bonjour lointain.

On dirait, pour moi, qu'il y a qu'une semaine, j'étais assis ici pour vous écrire. Pourtant, plus d'un mois s'est écoulé.

Donc, qu'est-ce qu'il y a de nouveau? Premièrement, il y a eu de la redécoration, encore une fois! Le tout nous offre plus de place, avec l'arrivé de l'été (dit l'homme frigorifié sur sa chaise), c'est très rafraichissant. Nous avons recu beaucoup de nouveaux Voodoo Babies, des nouvelles statuettes des Fee un huile édition limité de tournesol (Venez en acheter si vous voullez que nous en gardons constamment en stock ^_^) .

Coté livres, malheureusement notre section francaise est toujours appauvrit. Par contre, nos sections "Kabbalah" et "Magick and Thelema" sont maintenant plus que remplis! Plusieurs références dans le domaine de l'occulte sont arrivées, dont "Complete Magician's Tables" de Skinner. C'est un excellent livre de référence à lui seul.

Nous avons recu notre commande de bijoux avec des cristaux et pierres. Il est temps de vous procurer votre collier de quartz, d'oeil de tigre ou de malachite, mais faite vite!

Nous avons, pour juin et juillet, la liste des séminaires et activités planifiés. Pour ceux qui serait intéressés, vous avez qu'à appeller au magasin et demander plus d'information.

"Tea Meditation" mensuel de Juin(6 Juin, 7-9pm, $10) avec Scarlet
Continuing Psychic Development courses (Tout les jeudi 7-9pm, $30, avec un niveau 2 offert le 16 juin et le 30 juin, 2-4pm, $30) avec Catharine
Tasseography (9 Juin, 2-4pm, $35 - matériel inclus) avec Nathalie
Herbalism 101 (14 Juin, 6-8pm, $30) avec Maery
Spellcrafting 101 (24 Juin, 1-3pm, $30) et Methods of Meditation (29 Juin, 7-9pm $30) avec Robyn

"Tea Meditation" mensuel de Juillet (4 Juillet, 7-9pm, $30) avec Scarlet
Continuing Psychic Development courses (Tout les jeudi, 7-9pm, $30, avec un niveau 2 offert le 28 Juillet, 2-4pm $30) avec Catharine
Energy Work for Beginners (7 Juillet, 1-3pm $30) avec Maery et Robyn
Chakras 101 (14 Juillet, 2-4pm, $30) avec Nathalie
Magical Households (19 Juillet, 6-8pm, $30) avec Maery
Rune Making (21 Juillet, 1-3pm, $50 - matériel inclus) avec Maery et Robyn
Tarot 101 (22 Juillet, 1-3, $30) et Methods of Meditation (29 Juillet, 1-3pm $30) avec Robyn

En plus, si vous assistez à un des ateliers, vous recevez une carte qui vous offre 10% de rabais en magasin pendant une semaine!