Thursday, December 27, 2007
Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is located in the brow, between the eyebrows, or just a little above that center point. Other organs associated with this chakra are the eye, base of brain, and face.
This is the chakra of LIGHT and ILLUMINATION. Its colors are shades of indigo (a bluish-purple). The gemstones for this chakra are iolite, azurite, fluorite, lapidolite, and sugulite. The herbs and oils for this chakra are benzoin, geranium, rosemary, mugwort, mint, and mimosa.
This is a chakra of fasting. You can take in fruits like plums that are of the indigo color. Another thing you can ingest, though I do not necessarily recommend it is entheogens.
This chakra is associated with inspiration, meditation, spirituality awareness, perception, psychic abilities, ESP, insight, and intuition. You know you have problems or blocks with your third eye chakra if you have eye troubles, vision problems or headaches and migraines. This chakra is also associated with vision. ILLUSIONS block this chakra, especially the illusion of separation. Look past the illusions around you and understand that everything is connected. Separation is just an illusion.
Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are eye exercises. Explore methods of divination. Listen to the little voice inside you. TRUST YOURSELF!
This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO SEE. Look beyond the veils and illusions to see the truth and see how everything is connected.
"Not only do we construct our perceptions of the world, but we also go out and construct those perceptions IN the world. We make tables and bicycles and musical instruments becasue we can think of them." (quoted from p. 296 of "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith, PhD)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located in the throat. Other organs associated with this chakra are the ears, nose, mouth, neck, and shoulders.
This is the chakra of SOUND and TRUTH. Its colors are shades of blue. The gemstones for this chakra are blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, sodalite, saphire, blue topaz, aquamarine. The herbs and oils for this chakra are lavendar, mint, and eucalyptus.
If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that contain honey and citrus to help heal and strengthen the throat. For those who like teas, we recommend mint tea that is lightly sweetened.
This chakra is associated with receptive communication, expression, creativity, responsibility, truth, sound, listening actively, being true to your word and your own true nature. You know you have problems or blocks with your throat chakra if you have ear, nose and throat problems, if you have shoulder and neck pains, if you have a hard time saying what you want or need to say. This chakra is also associated with vibration. LIES block this chakra, especially the lies we tell ourselves. Think about the things you have lost, people who have gone from your life. Accept the truth around you and within you, speak only the truth, accept your own true nature... accept WHO YOU ARE.
Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to explore vibrating sounds through your throat till your whole body can feel the vibrations. Listen to tuning forks or classical music. Practice active listening (another link for active listening). Take a one day vow of silence. Keep a daily diary. Try kareoke or other fun games like charades. Get a massage, especially for the neck and shoulders.
This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO SPEAK AND BE HEARD. Say what you mean and mean what you say. You have the right to speak up for yourself and to be heard. This is a chakra where you are working on your communication skills.
Explore your creativity! Write a story, poetry, and song lyrics. Take singing or music lessons. Sing in the shower or in the car! SMILE... ALOT! Did you know that smiling releases endorfens that help improve your mood?
Monday, December 24, 2007
Boxing Day Sales
In Store:
On December 26th, for every $50 spent, receive $10 off all regularly priced items.
Liquidation table (this sale will last all the way until January 1st!)
10% off all purchases made on December 25th & 26th
(please note that the discounted price will not show when you place your order online, but will be applied at the time your order is processed)
Please remember that we will not be doing any exchanges on December 26th and 27th, but that you have up until January 10th to exchange any gift items bought in store during December. (Receipts required)
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in chest over the sternum. It focuses on the heart. Other organs associated with this chakra are the lungs, arms and hands, chest and back muscles.
This is the chakra of AIR and LOVE. Its colors are shades of green and pink. The gemstones for this chakra are emerald, aventirine, malachite, jade, green/pink tourmaline, rose quartz, rhodanite, and rhodachrosite. The herbs and oils for this chakra are rose, jasmine, heather, mallow, hibiscuss, mint, and copal.
If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that are light like green salads. For those who like teas, we recommend white or green teas.
This chakra is associated with receptive energy, love, devotion, compassion, comfort, harmony, and healing. You know you have problems or blocks with your heart chakra if you have breathing difficulties or anxiety, heart troubles, or muscle and back tension. This chakra is also associated with emotion. GRIEF and LOSS block this chakra. Think about the things you have lost, people who have gone from your life. Let that sadness fill you and then BREATHE. Let the pain go with each breathe. Remember those that are currently around you who love you. Cherish that love that is already there. Breathe in the love around you. Let it fill you and bring you calm and comfort.
Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to do breathing exercises. Get a good massage from a spa or from someone you love. Hug your friends and family.
This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO LOVE AND BE LOVED. You have the right to do feel love and to feel loved. This is a chakra where you are working on your emotional balance and relationships. A good book to read is Sam Keen's "To Love and Be Loved" (ISBN: 0553375288 cost $20.00).
As an exercise, try keeping a journal of gratitude. What are you thankful for? Who do you appreciate and why? Write specizal notes expressing your appreciateion to people around you, especially those you don't say it much to. Try to a couple of your co-workers, your neighbors, the person who delivers your mail.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Surprise!! 10% off everything sale this sunday (in store only)!
And don't worry, online buyers, we haven't forgotten you. Look out for special savings next week on boxing day!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Upcoming Store Events- not to miss!
Also, later in the month, Melange Magique will be having a special guest on December 28th for DNA Activation sessions. By activating your DNA, your spiritual blueprint, you assist in awakening your divine potential in your physical body. Could you use a little energy boost? Call Melange Magique at 514-938-1458 to book an appointment with Christina for a DNA Activation session. The length of a session is 30min for $80, and Christina has been so kind as to offer our customers a 50% discount, so you only pay $40! For more information on DNA Activation you may contact Christina at or 416-625-3470. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday Sabbat Sale!
Sunday December 16th 12-5pm
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
December Workshops at Melange!
Chakras are energy pools within us. Throughout our lives we draw energy from these pools and accumulate experiences which may block the flow of the energy. We continue with the Third Eye Chakra dealing with inspiration, intellect, awareness, psychic abilities, and the illusion of separation. In this workshop, you will discover the various correspondences associated with this chakra that will help you explore it, cleanse it and balance it. We will end the session with an exploratory meditation.
Thursday December 6, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
A discussion of the Nature and Spiritual Meaning of the Kernunnos (The Horned God) in Traditional Wicca. What can we learn about ourselves and our spiritual potential from the lord of death, rebirth, nature and self-sacrifice? Since He is the Consort of the Great Goddess, her spiritual role will also be discussed in detail. Examples of the sacred Relationship between the God and the Goddess and between ourselves and the our own lives will also be drawn from world Mystery Traditions.
Saturday December 8th 2-4pm FREE
Why did you dream you were flying beside a chair last night? Or did you dream you were kissing your boyfriend from high school who you haven’t seen in thirty years? Layne Dalfen, Founder of The Dream Interpretation Center in Montreal and author of Dreams Do Come True: Decoding Your Dreams To Discover Your Full Potential, will teach you a step-by-step approach to uncovering meaning in your dreams, and easy to grasp ideas about how to uncover solutions to your current issues that appear in your dreams. Take the opportunity to understand those sometimes, strange images that come to us at night, and change your perspective altogether. Learn how to propel your problem solving skills!
Sunday, December 9th, 10am -1pm $30
Have you ever wanted a glimpse into your future? Ever wonder what it would be like to be able to make predictions and decipher omens? What tools do you need? How does it work? And will it work for you? In this Workshop we will cover various methods of divination, their pros and cons, and help you find out what will work best for you. Come experiment and learn over 10 different ways of divining the future. Topics include Ogham, Runes, Tarot, Pendulums, Scrying and Much more!
Friday December 14th, 6—8 pm $30
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday December 15th, 1 - 3 pm $30.00
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday, December 15th, 3:30-6 pm, $40.00
Chakras are energy pools within us. Throughout our lives we draw energy from these pools and accumulate experiences which may block the flow of the energy. We continue with the Crown Chakra dealing with Spirituality, higher self, thought, divinity, enlightenment, and attachments. In this workshop, you will discover the various correspondences associated with this chakra that will help you explore it, cleanse it and balance it. We will end the session with an exploratory meditation.
Thursday December 20, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Could you use a little energy boost? Activating your DNA, your spiritual blueprint, assists in awakening your divine potential in the physical body. The DNA Activation sends Light into the very core of who you are, on a cellular level. So what does that actually mean for you?
It aids in connecting the spiritual and the physical within your energy field, which can help open up your spiritual gifts more fully into reality; Enables you to bring in and hold more Light (positive energy) in your physical body; Facilitates clearing of old karmic patterns; Assists in releasing unconscious patterns (emotional traps and cycles; Increased energy and Light; Sense of strength and well-being.
Cost: $40 Approx. length: 30 minute session
Friday, December 28th, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m
For more information about the DNA Activation, please contact Christina at or 1-416-625-3470
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New and exciting!!
Blessed Herbal Candles
Three-Candle Blessing Kits
Blessed Herbal Spell Kits
Green Man Herbal Candles
Goddess Herbal Candles (for many different goddesses)
Drawing Down the Moon (Esbat) Candle
Large Triple Blessing Herbal candles
Hermit Studios:
Talking Boards with accompanying pendulum
Nathalie Menard:
Soaps and Tub Twirlers from
Silver Claddagh:
rings and pendants
Native Scents:
Sage Smudges and bundle blends
New Books:
"Your Auras & Your Chakras: The Owner's Manual" by Karla McLaren
$ 20.50 ISBN: 1578630479
This book is not the in depth look at chakra like "Wheels of Life", however it dows a great overvuew and ties everything neatly into aura work. The author walks you through grounding techniques and troubleshooting the care of both your aura and your chakras. On the real plus, she addresses secondary chakras which most books never look at.
"Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica" by Zora N. Hurston
$16.50 ISBN: 0060916494
A rare find! For those interesting in Black History and Anthropology, this is an amazing book. It is divided into three parts. The first part looks at culture and practice in Jamaica. The second section explores politics and history of Haiti. And the last part delves into Haitian voodoo. Like I said, it is a rare find... a rare look into a world often shrouded in mystery.
"When Women Were Priests" by Karen Torjesen
$16.50 ISBN: 9780060686611
This is a fasinating look at the history (rise, activities and fall) of women in leadership roles within the Christian movement. From ritual leaders, to household managers, to women's virtues, then to the shames and sins of the body and sexuality... this is a thorough look into women's lives.
"Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body" by Riane Eisler
$26.95 ISBN: 0062502832
This 405 page text that looks at all aspects of sex and the body through ritual and politics. How did we come to the beliefs and taboos that we have today? What are some of the current issues and how are we handling them? These and many more questions are considered. This book also has an extensive reference list to assist the advanced researcher.
"The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries" by Z Budapest
$23.95 ISBN: 157863413x
If you are into feminist spirituality or a fan of Z Budapest, you likely have already heard or own a book by this title. That would be her first book by that title. This is a much more expanded and revised version. In here is also a facinating inside look at Hungarian Witchcraft right from her own family heritage.
"Sacred Circles: A Guide To Creating Yuor Own Women's Spirituality Group"
by Robin Deen & Sall Craig
$22.95 ISBN: 9780062515223
This is one of the best books I had ever read on group practice. It explores the concept of spirituality and expecially women's spirituality. Then it talks about different types of groups and circles that can be formed for study, discussion, counselling, and practice. The best parts follow with how to form a group, and skills and tools to use within such an intimate wsetting for women. It ends with techniques to help keep such a group healthy and active together (common problems, conflict resolution, group self assassment). A must have for anyone doing any kind of group work, even if it is not specifically women-oriented. I have found it invaluable for the ideas and skills in my own mixed gender group.
"Our Gods Wear Spandex: The Secret History of Comic Book Heroes" by Christopher Knowles
$23.95 ISBN: 1578634067
This book looks at the evolution of the god and hero through classic myth through to our modern day heroes from film to comic books. It explores ancient heroes and gods, secret sects, Victorian occult movements, occult key figures (Blavatsy, Golden Dawn, Neitzsche, Crowley) literary authors (Edgar Allen Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jules Verne, HG Wells, and Bram Stoker) and the modern views of the comic world. Are the modern gods and heroes those that wear spandex?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdoment between the navel and the base of the sternum. It is sometimes called the stomach chakra as it involves the digestive organs and the diaphram. Other organs associated with this chakra are the liver, pancreas, and the middle back.
This is the chakra of FIRE and of ACTION. Its colors are shades of yellow. The gemstones for this chakra are citrine, tiger's eye, yellow topaz, amber, brass, and gold. The herbs and oils for this chakra are clove, cinnamon, ginger, hot pepper, horse radish, cardamom, saffron, curry.
If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that are spicy. For those who like teas, we recommend an chai or a lemon/ginger tea.
This chakra is associated with active or doing energy, power, self-control, courage, self-awareness, self-knowledge, will, personal strength, and the ego. You know you have problems or blocks with your navel chakra if you have sexual digestive problems or nausea with anxiety. This chakra is also associated with anger and anger management. SHAME blocks this chakra. Work through the things you feel ashame of or dissappointed about to clear out and open this chakra. Stop self-denial and be more accepting of yourself. You will feel balanced and more able to do what you want to do.
Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to do exercises to work out the stomach muscles (like crunches), breathing from the diaphram, deep yelling (find a field or some place no one will care about and yell AAAAAAAAA in adeep tone from the diaphram as loudly and for as long as you can).
This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO ACT. You have the right to do what you feel like doing. This is a chakra where you are working on your own personal power and trying not to hand that power to someone else. This is the chakra of CHOICE. You do not HAVE TO DO anything, you CHOOSE TO DO what you do.
As an exercise, try not using the words SHOULD HAVE, COULD HAVE, WOULD HAVE, HAVE TO, and OUGHT TO. Instead use CHOOSE TO. When something is your choice, you maintain control over your own power.
Friday, November 02, 2007
November Workshops
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday November 3rd 1 - 3 pm $30.00
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday, November 3rd, 3:30-6 pm, $40
What does a solution look like when it comes in the form of a picture? Layne Dalfen, author of 'Dreams Do Come True: Decoding Your Dreams To Discover Your Full Potential', will teach you easy approached to uncovering why you had that dream last night, and how to decode solutions to your current issues that appear in your dreams. Learn how to propel your problem solving skills!
Sunday, November 4th, 1—3 pm $30
Come learn the tradition of Chinese Tea Meditations as Scarlet guides you through the symbols and actions of etiquette and being in the NOW with unique selected teas.
Monday, November 5th, 7-9 pm, $20
Chakras are energy pools within us. Throughout our lives we draw energy from these pools and accumulate experiences which may block the flow of the energy. We continue with the Heart Chakra dealing with love, devotion, compassion, healing, comfort, harmony, grief and emotional pain. In this workshop, you will discover the various correspondences associated with this chakra that will help you explore it, cleanse it and balance it. We will end the session with an exploratory meditation.
Thursday Nov. 8th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Are you what you eat? Food is something very present in our everyday lives, but is often overlooked. Kitchen withcery teaches and raises awareness of this powerful and sacred act. Learn how to cook and create concoctions for health, beauty, protection, love and prosperity.
Friday, November 9th, 6-8 pm, $30
Sometimes it takes more then a tiny little pamphlet to know how to read your cards. In this basic level course we will be discussing the archetypal meanings of the trump cards as well as the general functions of the minor arcana. Please bring your own tarot deck to study with.
Saturday, November 10th, 1-3 pm, $30.00
Have you ever wanted to meditate, but are not certain which technique will work best for you? Meditation is a means by which people work toward a sense of balance, stress relief and inner harmony. Join us for an afternoon of relaxation and together we will explore several different meditation styles and theories to help you find the way that feels most right for you.*There will be some practical exercises, so please wear loose and comfortable clothing and bring a floor mat or cushion .*
Sunday, November 11th, 1-3 pm, $30.00
Sunday, November 11th, 1—3 pm FREE
Tarot is a complex system of divination. This workshop assumes that you have a deck and are familiar with the basic meanings of your cards. We will take the next step in understanding the tarot. You will learn the meanings of card combinations, explore various types of tarot spreads, and how to create your own spreads!
Thursday, November 15th, 7-9 pm, $30
Have you ever wanted a glimpse into your future? Ever wonder what it would be like to be able to make predictions and decipher omens? What tools do you need? How does it work? And will it work for you? In this Workshop we will cover various methods of divination, their pros and cons, and help you find out what will work best for you. Come experiment and learn over 10 different ways of divining the future. Topics include Ogham, Runes, Tarot, Pendulums, Scrying and Much more!
Friday November 16th, 6—8 pm $30
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday November 17th 1 - 3 pm $30.00
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday, November 17th, 3:30-6 pm, $40
Learn this wonderful healing modality and go deeper into an understanding of the healing powers of the Elements. Therapeutic Touch is derived from the ancient practice of laying-on of hands. It is connected to the concept of universal life energy and field theory, which sees all energy as interconnected and in movement. This four hour workshop will teach participants the basics of TT which they can begin using immediately to help others. Following a Wiccan framework we will then incorporate the Elements and God/Goddess energy in the work as well as exploring the ethics of TT in relation to the Rede and the Rule of Three. Self-TT and distance-TT will also be addressed. No prior experience is necessary. An understanding of Wiccan principals would be helpful.
Sunday, November 18th, 1—5 pm $40
Chakras are energy pools within us. Throughout our lives we draw energy from these pools and accumulate experiences which may block the flow of the energy. We continue with the Throat Chakra dealing with communication, expression, responsibility, truth & lies, faith, your true nature and the lies we tell ourselves. In this workshop, you will discover the various correspondences associated with this chakra that will help you explore it, cleanse it and balance it. We will end the session with an exploratory meditation.
Thursday Nov. 22nd, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Natural remedies are slowly getting more and more publicity, and more anecdotal evidence that they really do work. Come and learn simple homeopathic remedies that really work inside your teacup. Learn how to soothe indigestion, calm headaches, boost your immune system and much, much more.
Thursday, November 22nd, 6 -8 pm $30
The word 'Reiki' comes from the Japanese Rei meaning 'universal' and Ki meaning 'life energy'. This energy is also known of in other cultures, and can as easily be recognized as Prana, Mana, Chi or Ruach. This universal life energy animates all life, and flows through all of us, all of the time. Come to this free introductory lecture to learn more about this beautiful method of healing and relaxation, and to ask any questions that you may have about Reiki and how it works.
Friday, November 23rd, 7-8 pm FREE
Join us in this two day long course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki using the American Reiki Mastery Association's style of initiations. Ample time will be given for practice as well.
Saturday November 24th, 10-5 & Sunday November 25th, 12-5 $150
This is a weekly group that is open to everyone. You may come as often as you wish. Each week, Catharine will talk about a theme, give a mini lesson on issues relevant to our lives, on the seasons, on symbols and on life cycles. A guided meditation is given to provide protection and relief from stress. At the end, everyone will receive a short psychic message!
Thursday November 29th, 6 - 8 p.m. $15.00
Throughout history and across cultures, teas have been used for many different purposes from love potions, to healing, comfort, meditation and ritual. In this workshop discover the meaning and uses of various herbs in teas for magical properties and discover how to blend them yourself! One free cup of the tea blend you created in class!
Thursday Nov. 29th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Navel Chakra
The navel chakra is located in the lower abdoment below the actual navel. It is sometimes called the sex chakra as it involves the sexual organs (gonads and genitalia). Other organs associated with this chakra are the womb, kidneys, bladder, and the lower back.
This is the chakra of WATER and of FEELINGS. Its colors are shades of orange. The gemstones for this chakra are coral, carlenian, and moonstone. The herbs and oils for this chakra are orris, clove, vanilla, jasmine, ylang ylang, sandalwood, copal, coconut, orange, bergamot, neroli, and damiana.
If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that are pleasurable or high on the citrus or liquid side. These include water (of course) orange juice, coconut milk, sliced oranges, aloe juice, fruits and salads. For those who like teas, we recommend an orange-rooibos blend or prehaps a lichee-jasmine tea.
This chakra is associated with female sexual energy, pleasure, sexual passion, emotiona, change, creativity, confidence, reproduction, fertility, desire, gratification, and emotional identity. You know you have problems or blocks with your navel chakra if you have sexual problems or urinary problems. GUILT blocks this chakra. Work through the things you feel guilty for or of to clear out and open this chakra. Forgive yourself and then let go. You will feel balanced and more able to "go with the flow".
Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to do exercises to work out the lower back and lower abdomen, pelvis rocking, massaging the lower back and buttocks... having sex.
This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO FEEL. You have the right to feel, no emotions are wrong. You have the right to feel pleasure. Pleasure invites us to expand while pain generally makes us contract. Nurture yourself, care for your needs, love your body, feed your soul.
Perhaps make a list: What brings you pleasure?
Try doing one thing a day that simply pleases you.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sunday Sabbat Sale
Sunday October 25th
Saturday, October 20, 2007
New Books of Note
We are endeavoring to provide more substantial books for the intermediate and edvanced practitioners seeking in depth material for their studies.
Living Santeria: Ritual and Experiences in an Afro-Cuban Religion
By: Michael Atwood Mason
$25.00 ISBN: 1588340775
This is an anthropology book for Latin American Studies. It focuses on practices, divination, ritual and religious identity. This is a concise and well-written ethnography and an excellent addition to anyone interested in this culture or religion.
HEKA: The Ancient Practices of Ancient Egyptian Ritual & Magic
By: David Rankine
$29.50 ISBN: 1905297076
A book that impressed the staff at the store greatly. It is misleading with its small size, however, once you begin to read through it you realize the enormous amount of information compiled for the reader. Heka is Egyptian magical practice and energy. This book reveals the lore and correspondances used in this mysterious practice. You will discover deities and spirits, symbols, colours, numbers, tools, gestures, ancient incense recipes, ceremonies and rites, amulets and dream interpretations all tied neatly with translated references from Egyptian texts.
Tea & Coffee Books:
As we are slowly opening up our new section on teas in the store, we are bringing in some interesting books to support this fun and fascinating new line.
Telling Fortunes by Tea Leaves
By: Cicely Kent
$15.95 ISBN: 9781406519013
This is an old classic text this is both rare and had been out of print for some time. Dodo Press has revived it for us! It explains all you need to know about tea leaf reading, where it came from and how it is done. In contains an extensive list of the symbols and how to interpret them. The best part of this book is the pictures of the symbols. They are not stylized perfect drawings, but more closely resemble what you would actually see in a cup. If you do divination by tea leaves, this is a must have!
Your Fortune in a Coffee Cup
By: Sahar Huneidi
$25.95 ISBN: 9781859062227
Divination with coffee is common in Romania, Greece and Turkey. This is a box set that includes the small Turkish coffee cup and saucer, as well as an instruction book. We recommend you buy a rakwa (also called tanaka in Arabic or cezve in Turkish) for making the coffee in, though you can use any small stove top pot. Depends on how authentic you wish to be. This book is very clear and detailed on how to properly prepare the coffee for this divination and how to interpret the images found in the cup from the coffee grounds. Like the book mentioned above, it contains pictures of what will actually appear in the cup with lots of advice on how to interpret what you see.
NOTE: You may want to take Nathalie Menard's Tasseomancy (Tasseography) workshop (October 27th, 3-5 pm, $35.00) here at the store for your own real experience!
Halloween Books:
It is the time of Samhain and we are laoding our tables with related books and supplies. The following are some books on Halloween traditions, ghosts, vampires, and Pagan practices.
Ghost Stories of Canada
By John Robert Colombo
$18.99 ISBN: 0888822227
At last some Candian works!! Canada has a wealth of spooky tales and places. Colombo has seen most and been to or heard about them all across Canada. This book recounts the tales from the Maratimes, to the West Coast, and even into the North of Canada.
Ever heard something go bump in the night? Have you ever seen a ghost? Have you ever spent a night in a haunted house? This workshop is a practical introduction to conducting your own Ghost Hunting Investigation. No experience necessary. Open mind required.
Thursday, October 25th, 6pm-9pm $25
The Halloween HandbookBy Ed Morrow
$18.95 ISBN: 0806522275
This is a phenomenal do-it-yourself handbook on all things Halloween from decor, to cooking, to parties, to costumes and lore! It is chalk full of tidbits and info as well as details for creating a fun Halloween event!
Halloween: Pagan Festivals to Trick or Treat
By: Mark Oxbrow
$23.50 ISBN: 1903254124
Halloween is one of most popular secular festivals around the world. The fascinating parts are always a mystery. Where did Halloween and hits customs come from? How is it celebrated in other places around the world? This book focuses on all the questions and more. While many of the photos and information is British Isles based, it still touches on other locals and cultures. Worth getting for the stories and poetry alone!
The Nocturnal Witch Collection: Book of Shadows from the Shadows
By: Konstantinos
$28.95 ISBN:9780738711560
For those into the darker arts of the Craft and the spirituality of the Shadow Self, this two-volume box set is ideal. Konstantinos captivated us and opens our minds to other ways of seeing and encourages us to look deeper into ourselves. If you are familiar with his works, this box set includes Nocturnal Witchcraft and Gothic Grimoire.
A Witch's Halloween: A Complete Guide to Magick, Incantations, Recipes, Spells, & Lore
By: Gerina Dunwich
$13.95 ISBN: 1598693409
Another excellent book in Gerina Dunwich's collection. She takes you into the heart of Pagan practices that revolve around this time of year. She looks at the evolution of the Halloween traditions and how Pagans today express them. She reveals the lore and legends and superstitions. She provides us with correspondances for herbs, gives us incantations we can use in our own rituals ans Sabbat recipes!
If you are looking for a public event for this holiday:
CUPS: Samhain Ritual 2007
CUPS presents their annual Samhain Ritual! Come join us for a night of reflection and remembrance.When: Friday, November 2, 2007 at 6:30 pm
Where: 2090 MacKay Street (Guy-Concordia Metro)
What to Bring:
1. Items to place upon our Altar of Remembrance
2. Feast food (with a list of ingredients) and feast gear for our Silent Supper Feast taking place after the Ritual. Feel free to bring extra gear for your departed friends and relatives.
3. Divination tools for use after the Silent Supper feast
We respectfully request that any food brought to the Ritual be free of nuts and nut oils (including peanut and almond oils) to accommodate ritual participants with very severe nut allergies. We also (unfortunately) cannot permit the consumption of alcohol during the feast due to university policy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in these matters.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
November Workshops
This is a weekly group that is open to everyone. You may come as often as you wish. Each week, Catharine will talk about a theme, give a mini lesson on issues relevant to our lives, on the seasons, on symbols and on life cycles. A guided meditation is given to provide protection and relief from stress. At the end, everyone will receive a short psychic message!
Thursday November 1st, 6 - 8 p.m. $15.00
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine. Saturday November 3rd 1 - 3 pm $30.00
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine. Saturday, November 3rd, 3:30-6 pm, $40
What does a solution look like when it comes in the form of a picture? Layne Dalfen, author of 'Dreams Do Come True: Decoding Your Dreams To Discover Your Full Potential', will teach you easy approached to uncovering why you had that dream last night, and how to decode solutions to your current issues that appear in your dreams. Learn how to propel your problem solving skills!
Sunday, November 4th, 1—3 pm $30
Come learn the tradition of Chinese Tea Meditations as Scarlet guides you through the symbols and actions of etiquette and being in the NOW with unique selected teas.
Monday, November 5th, 7-9 pm, $20
Chakras are energy pools within us. Throughout our lives we draw energy from these pools and accumulate experiences which may block the flow of the energy. We continue with the Heart Chakra dealing with love, devotion, compassion, healing, comfort, harmony, grief and emotional pain. In this workshop, you will discover the various correspondences associated with this chakra that will help you explore it, cleanse it and balance it. We will end the session with an exploratory meditation.
Thursday Nov. 8th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Are you what you eat? Food is something very present in our everyday lives, but is often overlooked. Kitchen withcery teaches and raises awareness of this powerful and sacred act. Learn how to cook and create concoctions for health, beauty, protection, love and prosperity.
Friday, November 9th, 6-8 pm, $30
Sometimes it takes more then a tiny little pamphlet to know how to read your cards. In this basic level course we will be discussing the archetypal meanings of the trump cards as well as the general functions of the minor arcana. Please bring your own tarot deck to study with.
Saturday, November 10th, 1-3 pm, $30.00
Have you ever wanted to meditate, but are not certain which technique will work best for you? Meditation is a means by which people work toward a sense of balance, stress relief and inner harmony. Join us for an afternoon of relaxation and together we will explore several different meditation styles and theories to help you find the way that feels most right for you. * There will be some practical exercises, so please wear loose and comfortable clothing and bring a floor mat or cushion .*
Sunday, November 11th, 1-3 pm, $30
Details forthcoming
Sunday, November 11th, 1—3 pm FREE
Tarot is a complex system of divination. This workshop assumes that you have a deck and are familiar with the basic meanings of your cards. We will take the next step in understanding the tarot. You will learn the meanings of card combinations, explore various types of tarot spreads, and how to create your own spreads!
Thursday, November 15th, 7-9 pm, $20
Have you ever wanted a glimpse into your future? Ever wonder what it would be like to be able to make predictions and decipher omens? What tools do you need? How does it work? And will it work for you? In this Workshop we will cover various methods of divination, their pros and cons, and help you find out what will work best for you. Come experiment and learn over 10 different ways of divining the future. Topics include Ogham, Runes, Tarot, Pendulums, Scrying and Much more!
Friday November 16th, 6—8 pm $30
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday November 17th 1 - 3 pm $30.00
Being able to tell the difference between intuition, prediction, clairvoyance, predictive dreams, deja vu, gut feelings etc. is essential to developing your abilities. We will discuss the various ways psychic abilities manifest and do hands on exercises to test your present level. At the end we will have a message circle where each participant will receive messages from Spirit with Catharine.
Saturday, November 17th, 3:30-6 pm, $40
Learn this wonderful healing modality and go deeper into an understanding of the healing powers of the Elements. Therapeutic Touch is derived from the ancient practice of laying-on of hands. It is connected to the concept of universal life energy and field theory, which sees all energy as interconnected and in movement. This four hour workshop will teach participants the basics of TT which they can begin using immediately to help others. Following a Wiccan framework we will then incorporate the Elements and God/Goddess energy in the work as well as exploring the ethics of TT in relation to the Rede and the Rule of Three. Self-TT and distance-TT will also be addressed. No prior experience is necessary. An understanding of Wiccan principals would be helpful.
Sunday, November 18th, 1-5 $40
Chakras are energy pools within us. Throughout our lives we draw energy from these pools and accumulate experiences which may block the flow of the energy. We continue with the Throat Chakra dealing with communication, expression, responsibility, truth & lies, faith, your true nature and the lies we tell ourselves. In this workshop, you will discover the various correspondences associated with this chakra that will help you explore it, cleanse it and balance it. We will end the session with an exploratory meditation.
Thursday Nov. 22nd, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Natural remedies are slowly getting more and more publicity, and more anecdotal evidence that they really do work. Come and learn simple homeopathic remedies that really work inside your teacup. Learn how to soothe indigestion, calm headaches, boost your immune system and much, much more.
Thursday, November 22nd, 6 -68 pm $30
The word 'Reiki' comes from the Japanese Rei meaning 'universal' and Ki meaning 'life energy'. This energy is also known of in other cultures, and can as easily be recognized as Prana, Mana, Chi or Ruach. This universal life energy animates all life, and flows through all of us, all of the time. Come to this free introductory lecture to learn more about this beautiful method of healing and relaxation, and to ask any questions that you may have about Reiki and how it works.
Friday, November 23rd, 7-8 pm FREE
Join us in this two day long course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki using the American Reiki Mastery Association's style of initiations. Ample time will be given for practice as well.
Saturday November 24th, 10-5 & Sunday November 25th, 12-5 $150
This is a weekly group that is open to everyone. You may come as often as you wish. Each week, Catharine will talk about a theme, give a mini lesson on issues relevant to our lives, on the seasons, on symbols and on life cycles. A guided meditation is given to provide protection and relief from stress. At the end, everyone will receive a short psychic message!
Thursday November 29th, 6 - 8 p.m. $15.00
Throughout history and across cultures, teas have been used for many different purposes from love potions, to healing, comfort, meditation and ritual. In this workshop discover the meaning and uses of various herbs in teas for magical properties and discover how to blend them yourself! One free cup of the tea blend you created in class!
Thursday Nov. 29th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. $30.00
Friday, October 12, 2007
We're at the Romani Yag!
Come and visit us when you join the Festival!
For more information about the Romani Yag, visit .
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
New & Exciting!
What is back in stock?
- Root Chakra Kits
- Chakra Flash Cards
- Elemental Candles
- various herbs (now that some harvests are now in)
- Cauldrons
- Mortars and Pestles
What is new and in store now?
- Egyptian statues
- Handmade Soaps for Samhain
- Driftwood Dragon Incense Burners
- Gemstone Reiki & Massage Wands (quartz, rose quartz, fluorite, agate)
- Gemstone Pendulums
- Mini Lucky cats for Feng Shui
- Glowing Globes
- Naval Chakra Kits
- Calendars & Agendas for 2008
Books from the NEW shelf:
"Wicca's Charm" by Catherine Edwards Sanders
ISBN: 0877881987 $20.99
Understanding the spiritual hunger behind the rise of modern witchcraft and pagan spirituality. This is a great academic study with discussion questions in the back and an excellent list for further reading!
"Tea Bliss" by Theresa Cheung
ISBN: 157324211x $18.95
Infuse your life with health, wisdom, and contentment. This informative book is beautifully presented and teaches you the proper ways to blend and steep teas, methods for serving it, meditations, and healing with tea. A book for the true connaissuer!
"Dreams Do Come True" by Layne Dalfen
ISBN: 158062636x $19.95
Decoding your dreams to discover your full potential. This book is a guide on how to analyze your dreams. Take advantage of this now! The author will be in our store on November 4th leading a workshop from 1-3pm on Dream Interpretation ($30) and will be signing books after the course!
Coming to the store soon:
- Healing Milk Baths (from the people who brought you the Badger Balms)
- Onyx Chalices
- oils
This month we are building a tea corner. We will be offering a selection of fine, hand-picked and custom blended teas for your magical and spiritual needs. Glass tea pots and zodiac blooming teas are ALREADY available. Soon there will be more teas, prepackaged for your convenience and loose in our Apothecary. You will be able to ask for a tea specially blended just for you for that day or in a larger amount for you to take home and enjoy. Comfy chairs are now in place where you may sit and relax. And soon, we will have tea ready to drink for a simple donation of 50 cents!
Watch for this new service!
Related workshops also coming in November!!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Root Chakra
The root chakra is located at the very base f the spine, specifically where the perineum is on your body. It ties in the secondary and tertiary chakra points of your legs, knees and especially your feet.
This is the chakra of EARTH and of GROUNDING. Its colors are reds, browns, and black. The gemstones for this chakra are onyx, obsidian, jet, red jasper, garnet, hematite, bloodstone, smokey or black quartz, and black tourmaline. The herbs and oils for this chakra are oakmoss, Irish moss, patchouli, vetivert, cedar, myrrh, red sandalwood, styrax (also called storax).
If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that are high in protein or slow and heavy in the body... grounding foods. These include red meats, dairy products, legumes, grains and breads, hearty oatmeal. For those who like teas, we recommend a gentle green powdered macha, a roasted genmacha, or solomon's seal tea.
This chakra is associated with male sexual energy, grounding, carnal and material needs, basic needs (food, shelter, safety), stability, survival, perseverance, your foundations. You know you have problems or blocks with your root if you have many problems with bowel movements, aches and pains in the legs and feet, anxiety. FEAR blocks this chakra. Work through the things you are afraid of to clear out and open this chakra. Face your fears, understand them, and then let them go. It does not mean you will not be afraid, but that you will not be paralyzed by these fears. You feel balanced and grounded, more stable.
Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to do exercises to work out the legs and develop balance (like standing in the Horse Stance), sitting still and relaxing, pamper your feet (foot and/or leg massages, pedicures).
This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO HAVE AND RIGHT TO BE. You have the right to BE who you are. You have the right to BE where you are. You have the right to basic needs, the right to feel safe and secure. You have the right to have material things in your life, the right to have success and stability. It does not mean to excess or for luxury, but to have what you need in life whatever those needs are.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Herbs VS Teas
If you seek herbs for ingesting for their magical properties, we ask that you please be patient as we are in the process of setting up a tea corner with magical and medicinal tea for sale as well as private blends from our Apothecary. The area is under construction and staff are under training.
For the time being, please consult the following:
"The Herb Book" by John Lust
A certified Herbalist
Monday, October 01, 2007
And So the Wheel Turns
Here at Melange Magique, we are also getting ready for this time of year. Whe are decorating for the Sabbat with cats, mice, pumpkin and more. We have received cauldrons and books about strange and scary creatures. We have even received some specialty items: Pentagram soaps and Pumpkin soaps, wands, Bast and Thoth statues.
We are also preparing for a new event: Romani Yag
We will be in attendance with a booth in their vending area. We hope to see you there, October 12-14th.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ateliers d'Halloween
Spirit Message Circle (Catharine)
Cet atelier est un atelier hebdomadaire ouvert à tous. Vous pouvez faire partie de l'atelier aussi souvent que vous le voullez. Chaque semaine, Catharine abordera un thème et nous apportera en réflexion sur ce thème. Une méditation guidé est offert pour nous aider à se protéger et à perdre beaucoup de stress. Une fois le tout terminé, tout le monde reçois un message psychic personnel!
4 et 18 Octobre, 19:00 - 21:00, 15.00$
Energy Work for Beginners (Robyn & Maery)
Vous vous déjà demandé comment utiliser votre énergie à son plein potentiel. Ce séminaire couvre les bases pour augmenter son énergie, se protéger, se centrer et beaucoup plus. Venez apprendre comment ressentir et utiliser les énergies autour de vous, ce sera un outil puissant et versatile pour vous aider à guérir (autant vous-même que les autres), faire grandir votre confiance en soi et bien d'autres concept.
19 Octobre, 19:00-21:00, 30$
Ancestral Shrines (Scarlet)
Á ce temps de l'année, nous marquons la fin d'une saison, la fin d'une année et venons à terme avec plusieurs situations de notre vie. C'est aussi le temps d'honorer ceux qui nous ont quittés. Une des meilleures moyens est avec un "ancestral shrine". Dans cet atelier, nous vous apprenons comment monter ce genre d'altar, ce qui devrais et ne devrais pas y retrouver, ect. Vous apprendrez l'importance de cette coutume parmis plusieurs cultures.
22 Octobre, 19:00-21:00, 30$
Pour plus de cours, vous pouvez aller voir à cette adresse.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Harvesting the Year
12-Month Harvest Meditation
Settle into a comfortable position for meditation.
Center and ground your energy.
Focus on yourself and this month of harvest.
Think about the Life Path you are on at this moment.
What is that path?
Now think back 12 months to this time last year.
Where were you and what were you doing last September?
What things did you say goodbye to in last October?
What family support and love surrounded you last December?
What new steps in a time of January's quiet did you take?
What love filled you on your path last February?
What changes shifted in your Life Path last March? What seeds did you plant?
What was washed clean from your path in the April Showers?
What blossomed along your path in May?
How did you warm the path last June?
What storms and uphevals challenged you last July?
Things start to culminate in last month's early harvest, what were they?
How are things moving in your path now?
And finally... Today... what would you like to celebrate? You have harvested a year of experiences.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New Products & What to do with Them!
Lovely glass quills are a was to focus on careful writing and directing energy into the pages of your book of chadows. Enhance this with specialized inks of various colors or even a metallic pigment ink!
We have various types of parchments: natural paper parchment, sheep skin vellum, calf skin velum, and papyrus. These are excellent for your spellwork. Parchments are used to write your wish, details for a spell, a magical seal of sigil. Then they are anointed with oil, usually on the four corners. Depending on your spell, there are several ways to charge them with energy and purpose and release them. Some will place them in front of a mirror, under a candle or burn them. Sometimes you are meant to keeps them, put them up in your home, fold them and tuck them into a drawer or in your purse, or even bury them. It all depends on the spell you are doing.
The journals are excellent for a Book of Shadows. We have many different styles. Always select a book that appeals to you. Some questions you ask yourself are:
- Lined or unlined?
- White pages or natural yellowed pages?
- How many pages?
- What dimensions? Large 8.5 x 11 inch? 5 x 7 inch? Smaller?
- Do you prefer a binder?
- Spiral bound or perfect (regular book) binding?
Deciding the contents of your book of shadows is often more difficult. Do you want a multipurpose Book of Shadows (BOS) or several different books for specific subjects? Most Book of Shadows contain reference information and correspondances for gerbs and oils and stones and more. They also contain spells and instructions for rituals, as well as the results of these magical works. A Book of Shadows is your magical journal, a journal of your journey on this path and all that you learn and experience on it.
VooDoo Baby charms are again back in stock with many new designs, including a kitty one and miniture versions of several of the styles. Hang them from your cell phone or purse, from your car mirror, from your office desk, or around your home (I have one hanging from each kitchen cupboard knob).
Sage smudges have arrived!! We have our usual stock of smudges. However, we also received lovely hand picked, hand dried and hand crafted smudges for all occasions of cleancing and blessing your home and yourself.
Our 2007 calendars have started coming in. We have yet to receive the Seasons of the Witch series and the Meynard's Celestial Influences and ask that you please be patient till they do arrive.
As we have just recently come back from the Gift Shows, you can expect lots of new products to arrive over the next couple months. Here is a sneak peak!
- milk baths
- Egyptian, Chinese and Buddhist statues
- teas and tea pots
- onyx chalices
- driftwood dragons
- and more!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Une nouvelle saison qui commence
- Nos calendriers sont arrivés. Nous avons des calendriers de toutes sortes, du calendrier astrologique jusqu'au calendrier hindu en passant par des calendriers wicca et bouddhiste.
- Nous avons recus nos chandelles! Finalement, tout nos modèles de chandelles possibles sont en magasin. Chandelles droites, chandelles dans un contenant de verres, chandelles avec des huiles déjà préparées à l'avance, tout est là.
- Des bagettes de bois, fait à la main, viennent de faire leur apparition. Elles ont fait leurs preuves et même qu'elles nous ont été conseillés lors du Kaleidoscope Gathering.
- Coté ingrédient, une autre commande vient d'arriver. Nous avons recu des "Job's Tears", des encres de Anna Riva, du papier parchement, des ensembles de plumes avec parchemins végétals et encres, des petits sac amérindiens fait à la main avec de la peau de chevreuil, des éguilles de porcépique, des batons de sauges et bien d'autres choses.
- Comme pièces artisanales, nous avons deux athamés en bois d'ébène. Ils ont été gravés à la main. Un possède un quartz clair au centre, l'autre en n'as pas. Très beau travail, ce seraient des athamés plus qu'efficace.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New arrivals!
In addition, as far as artisan's pieces, we have two beautiful hand crafted ebony athames, (one with a clear quartz in the pommel, and one without), elk-skin medicine bags embroidered with real red coral, turquoise and pearl (each one containing a necklace of coral, turquoise and pearl), and a large hand-embroidered medicine bag made of deer-skin.
...and lastly, voodoo-baby charms are back in stock too!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Deity of the Week - MA'AT

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead the trials of Ma’at are one of the most important parts of the journey of the soul. Just before the soul of the dead person can finally be united with Osiris and enjoy eternal life, his heart must be weighed against the feather of Truth (Ma’at’s feather) on the scales of Justice (Ma’at herself). If the heart of the person weighs less or the same as the feather and is judged by Thoth to be found (relatively) free of sin and falsehood, then the soul is allowed to pass to the final stage of his journey. If the heart weighs more then the feather however, the soul is eaten and destroyed by the beast Ammet. This passage shows that the Egyptians believed that only by living justly in this world, would they be accepted among the gods in the next. Ma’at is the symbol of all that is just, right and balanced and the Egyptians believed by living up to her laws they would be maintaining the universe against chaos.
The Weighing of the Heart against the Feather of Ma’at
Ma’at can still be used in ritual today. The ideals she represents are universal and ageless ones. In fact in a society that seems so unbalanced, with all its emphasis on the material world, Ma’at is perhaps the more needed. Ma’at teaches us to live in harmony with universal truths and the laws of nature and to maintain balance in our lives. Call upon Ma’at to help show you the right path between extreme choices or to help obtain justice. Try to keep the ideals of Ma’at in mind before taking any major steps and you will find yourself living a better life.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Potos are in from our Kaleidoscope Gathering Camping Festival







This is the bright dragonfly that came to visit us and eat the mosquitoes and other bugs that invaded out tent. He looked very pretty on the pouches!
Below is the Viking Longship in the small lake onsite. The theme this year at the festival was Norse Vikings. The film "13th Warrior" was projected on a giant white sail on the longship one evening. The ship was hand-built by the staff of the festival and each shield hand-painted.

Sam, the Elf, ready for tarot/oracle readings and myself, Scarlet, waiting to make the first sales of the day.


And lastly, here are some scenic shots from the area: the forest and the lake.


Saturday, August 25, 2007
Come get your candles while the selection is fresh!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Spiritual Cleansing
Spiritual Cleansing Bath:
The Women's or Men's spiritual cleansing bath salt is perfect for this. You simply add 2 tbsp. to your regular bath and allow its energy to sooth and cleanse your spirit. You can light white candles aound your bathtub to lend to the atmosphere and strengths.
For Business:
Place a jade stone with some sea salt and your business card into a green pouch and place it into your business for one month.
For School:
Invest in a comforting tea that increases open-mindedness and awareness, like a mint-based tea. When you study, use our specially blended Study oil to help you absorb and remember the information and then again to recall it for your exams.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
We received obsidian scrying mirrors in various sizes and obsidian scrying balls, too. There are new tarot decks that have also just arrived, along with some new books. I will give you the highlights of the tarots and books in a moment. Special in from the Pagan Festival we attended are beautiful hand crafted wands of silver birch and ironwood with soft protective hand sewn bags for each. One of the staff at the store hand engraved several rune sets of beautiful gemstones (sodalite, apaches tears, fluorite, tiger's eye, etc).
You must come in to see these new items.
New Store Products
Starhawk Earth Magic
Sacred Ritual fr connecting to Nature's Power
4 audio CD's with exercises, rituals, chants and more.
Sacred Land
Intuitive Gardening for Personal, Political and Environmental Change
book by: Clea Danaan
Ghost Hunters
On the trail of mediums, dowsers, spirit seekers, and other investigators of America's paranormal world
book by: John Kachuba
Psychic Energy Codex
Awaking your Subtle Senses
book by author of Psychic Vampires: Michelle Belanger
What is on its way to us by the end of the month?
- candles
- novenas
- figure candles
- stones
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
New Reader!
Erica will here to receive clients in the morning, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-1.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Kaleidoscope Gathering
We will pay all the taxes on your purchases made at the festival
Specialty items will be available for the first time, or one time only at Kaleidoscope:
Indonesian Musical Instruments
The new Chakra kits
Voodoo Babies (the new rage in dangling charms)
During the festival, Scarlet will be offering 3 free workshops:
Wednesday August 1st @ 5pm: Introduction to Charkras
Friday August 3rd @ 3:30pm: Stone lore
Sunday August 5th @ 10am: Bindrunes
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Nouveauté pour le Blog et le magasin
Pour le magasin, nous avons reçu nos calendriers et nos agendas pour 2008. C'est le temps de venir vous procurez vos calendriers avant qu'il nous en manque. Ils se vendent très vite, comme à chaque année! Nous faisons maintenant des ensembles de runes avec des pierres et cristaux, préparé à la main par Robyn. Plusieurs pierres sont disponibles, pour l'instant nous avons des runes en larmes d'apache, en sodolite, en jaspe rouge et en fluorite. Plusieurs autres seront gravés. Nous discutons présentement d'offrir des talismans à l'Apothicaire.
Aussi, puisque nous avons remarqués que notre clientèle et nos lecteurs sont souvent intéressés par nos recommandations de livres ou curieux de savoir ce que nous utilisons dans nos vies de tout les jours. Alors, nous allons monter un coin où les employés pourront mettre des livres qu'ils considères comme référence dans leur domaine (Par exemple, les auras pour moi, l'herboristerie pour Maery, les pierres pour Samantha, ect.), ainsi que les produits qu'ils utilisent comme des sels de bains, des huiles et des encens.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Maery will be on TV!
For more information about Kitchen Witchcraft, why not take Maery's upcoming Kitchen Witchery workshop? It will be held on Sunday, September 16th from 1-3pm. Sign up now to reserve your place!
Congratulations, Maery! Good luck!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Sunday Sabbat Sale
All Day from 10:00am to 6:00pm
10% off everything in the store for just this one day!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday Sabbat Special!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
New Amazing Books!!
- Witchcraft Historiography (ISBN: 9781403911766) $36.95: an academic collection of medieval and historical witchraft for the person seeking in-depth records and information of the practices at that time and the consequences.
- Composing Magic (ISBN: 1564149358) $18.95: an excellent introduction to composing spells
- Goddess Alive! (ISBN: 9780738710808) $20.95: an exploration of 13 goddesses for modern women
- Midpoints (ISBN: 9780738709833) $21.95: For the skilled astrologer seeking information on midpoints in charts
- Dervisj Yoga (ISBN: 0892541318) $20.50: a different style of yoga based on Dervish Dance
- The World of Shamaism (ISBN: 9780738705750) $20.95: A new look at core shamanism and how we can incorporate it into our lives (this is NOT a beginners book)
- Voudon Gnostic Workbook (ISBN: 1578633397) $47.95: This is a lesson book that blends Voodoo/Hoodoo and Gnosticism
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Even more Agendas & Datebooks!
Llewellyn's 2008 Astrological Pocket Planner
Llewellyn's 2008 Tarot Reader
Llewellyn's 2008 Daily Planetary Guide
Come get one and get organized for 2008!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Blessed Herbal Candles & Runes!
For those of you readers who are fans of Blessed Herbal Candles, they're back in stock!! Wonderful charged candles that are made with essential oils and when the moon is right, are perfect for ritual use and spellwork. Also available from Conventry Creations- blessed Herbal Spell kits (includes a stone, ribbon and prayer) and the trio packs. Come by and see our wide selection!