Friday, December 14, 2007

Upcoming Store Events- not to miss!

Running out of time? Tired of big malls and overpriced stock? Come take advantage of Melange Magiques' Sunday Sabbat sale. Everything in the store is 10% off, just in time for all your last-minute shopping needs! Come in and find unique and magical gifts for your loved ones- and maybe a little treat for yourself at the same time. Thank you for supporting a local business, and may your holiday season be filled with bright blessings!

Also, later in the month, Melange Magique will be having a special guest on December 28th for DNA Activation sessions. By activating your DNA, your spiritual blueprint, you assist in awakening your divine potential in your physical body. Could you use a little energy boost? Call Melange Magique at 514-938-1458 to book an appointment with Christina for a DNA Activation session. The length of a session is 30min for $80, and Christina has been so kind as to offer our customers a 50% discount, so you only pay $40! For more information on DNA Activation you may contact Christina at or 416-625-3470. Hope to see you there!

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