Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Throat Chakra

There is a great series of workshops in progress for the chakras. Every 2 weeks, will be an information session on a chakra. Those who are following the entire series will spend the days in between working on that chakra. The series will begin again in January. Here is some information about the Throat Chakras.

The throat chakra is located in the throat. Other organs associated with this chakra are the ears, nose, mouth, neck, and shoulders.

This is the chakra of SOUND and TRUTH. Its colors are shades of blue. The gemstones for this chakra are blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, sodalite, saphire, blue topaz, aquamarine. The herbs and oils for this chakra are lavendar, mint, and eucalyptus.

If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that contain honey and citrus to help heal and strengthen the throat. For those who like teas, we recommend mint tea that is lightly sweetened.

This chakra is associated with receptive communication, expression, creativity, responsibility, truth, sound, listening actively, being true to your word and your own true nature. You know you have problems or blocks with your throat chakra if you have ear, nose and throat problems, if you have shoulder and neck pains, if you have a hard time saying what you want or need to say. This chakra is also associated with vibration. LIES block this chakra, especially the lies we tell ourselves. Think about the things you have lost, people who have gone from your life. Accept the truth around you and within you, speak only the truth, accept your own true nature... accept WHO YOU ARE.

Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to explore vibrating sounds through your throat till your whole body can feel the vibrations. Listen to tuning forks or classical music. Practice active listening (another link for active listening). Take a one day vow of silence. Keep a daily diary. Try kareoke or other fun games like charades. Get a massage, especially for the neck and shoulders.

This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO SPEAK AND BE HEARD. Say what you mean and mean what you say. You have the right to speak up for yourself and to be heard. This is a chakra where you are working on your communication skills.

Explore your creativity! Write a story, poetry, and song lyrics. Take singing or music lessons. Sing in the shower or in the car! SMILE... ALOT! Did you know that smiling releases endorfens that help improve your mood?

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