Thursday, December 27, 2007

Third Eye Chakra

There is a great series of workshops in progress for the chakras. Every 2 weeks, will be an information session on a chakra. Those who are following the entire series will spend the days in between working on that chakra. The series will begin again in January. Here is some information about the Third Eye Chakra.

The third eye chakra is located in the brow, between the eyebrows, or just a little above that center point. Other organs associated with this chakra are the eye, base of brain, and face.

This is the chakra of LIGHT and ILLUMINATION. Its colors are shades of indigo (a bluish-purple). The gemstones for this chakra are iolite, azurite, fluorite, lapidolite, and sugulite. The herbs and oils for this chakra are benzoin, geranium, rosemary, mugwort, mint, and mimosa.

This is a chakra of fasting. You can take in fruits like plums that are of the indigo color. Another thing you can ingest, though I do not necessarily recommend it is entheogens.

This chakra is associated with inspiration, meditation, spirituality awareness, perception, psychic abilities, ESP, insight, and intuition. You know you have problems or blocks with your third eye chakra if you have eye troubles, vision problems or headaches and migraines. This chakra is also associated with vision. ILLUSIONS block this chakra, especially the illusion of separation. Look past the illusions around you and understand that everything is connected. Separation is just an illusion.

Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are eye exercises. Explore methods of divination. Listen to the little voice inside you. TRUST YOURSELF!

This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO SEE. Look beyond the veils and illusions to see the truth and see how everything is connected.

"Not only do we construct our perceptions of the world, but we also go out and construct those perceptions IN the world. We make tables and bicycles and musical instruments becasue we can think of them." (quoted from p. 296 of "Wheels of Life" by Anodea Judith, PhD)

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