Friday, September 29, 2006

Rainy Day Spells

Here is where the 'of Shadows' part of our Blog begins!

A simple spell for rainy days: (ie, to make the rain go away.)

For this spell you will need Broomtops (an herb), charcoal, air oil and a yellow or light blue candle.

Do you remember the childhood rhyme of 'Rain, rain, go away, come again another day'? This spell is very much in a similar spirit, and you can even use this rhyme as a little chant when you are invoking the spirits.

Go outside and set up your charcoal on a heatproof plate or in a heatproof container or bowl. Light it, and sprinkle the broomtrop over it. The the smoke flow over you and up into the sky. annoint your candle with the oil and light it as well, asking the spirits of air to accept your offering, and to blow the stormclouds away for today*. Once the herb is burnt, and the candle is out, bury the ashes and any left over wax in the earth to ground the energy you've raised.

* It is important to be specific in your spell in naming your location (where you want the storm to go away from) as well as the duration of the spell (how long you want the storm to go away for. Never say 'forever', though. Think of the reprecussions of never having any rain!

1 comment:

scarletcougar said...

I shoulla read this when I woke up this morning. Well, I will consider it if Saturday is rainy. There are some folks camping this weekend. I hope they get nice weather.