Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Father's Day Weekend!

Here at Melange and in the Pagan community we often focus on the Goddess and the Mother, but this Father's Day weekend we should remember to celebrate the God and the Father. Take some time to reflect on male archetypes like the Green Man, the Horned Man, the Sun God, the Sky God (or Thunder God), the Warrior, and the Sage.

This year Father's Day is only two days earlier than Midsummer, a holiday which is appropriately associated with Fire, the Sun, and other male aspects. In Wiccan mythology, Midsummer is the height of the strength of the Oak King and the forces of Summer. The Oak King is not only associated with the Warrior, but also with the nurturing aspects of the sun that bring life and vegetation to the world, as reflected by his guise as the smiling Green Man. Like a father who nurtures and guides his son, the Green Man nurtures and guides all living things, bringing them to their full potential and fruition: especially at Midsummer.

Reflecting on this aspect of the Green Man, here is a small craft project and ritual you can do with your children:

Go to a park with lots of trees and gather as many interesting leaves as you can. Be sure to ask the trees for permission before taking any leaves off of live branches!

Now sit down and ask your kids what they think about when they think about fathers. Write it all down, then crumple up the paper in a little ball and have your kids pick a tree. Bury the paper beneath the tree, near its roots; explain that just as their dad takes care of them and helps them grow, the paper with stuff that they associate with fathers will help the trees grow too.

Tell them that the daddy of trees and plants is called the Green Man, and he has a face made out of leaves. Take the leaves you have gathered, some cardboard paper and glue (and maybe some googly eyes for effect), and help your children make some Green Men for themselves. At the end of the day, put the pictures on the mantel or on your altar, and light a candle for the Father of Nature!

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