Call 514-938-1458 if you wish to registration information.
MPRC Public Discussion Night FREE
First Thursday of every month, the Montreal Pagan Resource Center (MPRC) hosts a FREE public discussion on various themes. Come listen to and share opinion on a variety of topics .
Thursday May 5th, 6:45 - 8:45pm FREE
The Pagan Umbrella (Amanda) FREE
What is Paganism? Ask a dozen people and you'll get at least a dozen answers. In reality, paganism is probably best considered to be an umbrella term for a variety of spiritual and religious traditions. In this brief introduction, we will discuss what we mean when we use the word Pagan in a religious or spiritual context, discover some of the more popular Pagan paths being followed today (such as Wicca, witchcraft, Druidism, Heathenism, or simply Pagan), and
explore some of their commonalities and differences.
Sunday May 8th 2 pm to 4 pm - Free
Numérologie (Sylvie) FRENCH
La numérologie est une sorte de guide qui est mis à notre disposition en vue d'apporter sa contribution à l'évolution humaine. Son étude permet de connaître nos forces ainsi que nos faiblesses, autant pour soi que pour les autres et ainsi mieux canaliser nos Énergies. En utilisant la date de naissance, il est possible de calculer notre vibration, notre essence première.
Nous vous invitons à venir découvrir ces vibrations de 1 à 9.
jeudi 12 mai 19h00 à 21h00 25$
Reiki Level One (Robyn)
Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for
practice as well. Saturday May 14th, 10 am - 5 pm $150
Introduction to Buddhism (Scarlet)
Who is Buddha? What life did he emerge from and what is the lore behind the man? The religion is founded on Four Noble Truths: suffering, desire is the source, possibility of freedom, through the Middle Way. The Middle Way is also called the Eightfold Path, different from the Pagan 8-Fold Path. Discover the lessons of the Buddha and how you can enrich your spirituality with these lessons. Class ends with meditation.
Monday May 16th 7-9pm $25
Introduction to the Warrior’s Path (Scarlet)
There are warriors in every culture, a class of fighters and guardians to stand against the dark. Every religion has its gods and heroes from myth and legend to mundane reality. Archangel Michael, Thor, Morrigan, Hercules, Cuhulain, Wolf, Diana, Templars, Samurai, Jedi, Soldiers, Officers of the Law, Wiccan Warders... you. What is the Warrior Path in Paganism And who walks it and why? What do you need to know to walk this path?
Thursday May 19th 7-9pm $40
Numerology (Sylvie) ENGLISH
Numerology is sort of a guide that is given to us to help with the human evolution. With its study, we are able to learn our abilities and the aspects in your life you need to improved upon for ourselves or others. Using your birth date, it is possible to calculate your personal vibration and essence. We invite you to come and learn more about the different vibrations, from 1 to 9.
Thursday May 26th7pm to 9pm25$
Reiki I (Sylvie) FRENCH
Le mot Reiki signifie " force universelle de vie ". C'est une technique d'imposition des mains simple et efficace, qui peut être pratiquée sur soi-même ou sur les autres. Nous vous offrons un cours de Reiki qui offre une attestation de Niveau 1. Durant cette formation, vous apprendrez l'historique ainsi que les origines du Reiki, les principes applicables au Reiki ainsi que la méthode pour l'administrer pour soi et les autres. Cette formation comprend une partie magistrale ainsi que des périodes de pratiques.
Saturday May 28th10am to 5pm 150$
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