Friday, October 29, 2010

Jack o'Lore

Almost everyone knows what a jack o'lantern is and almost everyone has made one.
Ever wonder why?

There are numerous lores about why it started, where, who, how.. One of the most told being of a man named Jack. Once Jack had passed, and upon finding that Heaven would not let him enter, he was given a flaming piece of coal from the fires of hell by the Devil himself so that he may find his way back to Earth. Placing it inside of a turnip he happened to have handy he then began his eternal wander in search of home.

Another being on the other end of the fence, though still technically in the search of home.
Being that Samhain is the night of the year on which the veil between our world and the spirit world is barely drawn, a candle would be placed on the doorstep or front window to aid spirits of loved ones find their way home through the darkness. Placing it in a squash, turnip, or pumpkin was for protection and well-being of the home and all those within. Eventually a ghoulish face was carved on the front of the lantern to scare away evil and unwanted spirits.

Speaking of! There's still time to drop off your pumpkins for our in-store contest!

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