Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Guest speaker this weekend: Erin Betony

This weekend we are honored to be hosting Erin Betony, High Priest in the Wiccan Tradition and Native Shaman. He will be holding two workshops while he is with us here at The Magical Blend, and we'd like to invite you to join us to these very special events:

* Psychic Self-Defense *

Western Culture produces an excess of dangerous and harmful toxins, physical and psychic, which left to build untended can add to diseases of many types; including the more virulent forms of psychic manifestation. In this workshop we will produce a forum of questions & answers, and cover a variety of protective and maintenance techniques for person and home.

Friday September 26th, 6-8 pm, $40

* Sage Bundle Tying *

Each culture has its own version of incense. Amerindian habit is to braid, form sticks, or bundles of the herbs used in ceremony & rituals. Join us for an afternoon workshop of tying smudge bundles of Silver Sagebrush, gathered at altitudes above 5000' in Canada's only Desert region. Council & direction will be given as to application & technique in their use. We will raise some power & consecrate them as a group.

Everything will be provided for each participant to tie & bring home at least one full sized "smudge".
Please register early as materials, and therefore spaces are limited.

Saturday, September 27th, $40 1-3pm

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