Thursday, November 01, 2007

Navel Chakra

There is a great series of workshops in progress for the chakras. Every 2 weeks, will be in information session on a chakra. Those who are following the entire series will spend the days in between working on that chakra. A couple weeks ago the class for the Navel Chakra was given with an excellent group of 6 participants. Here is some information about the Navel Chakra:

The navel chakra is located in the lower abdoment below the actual navel. It is sometimes called the sex chakra as it involves the sexual organs (gonads and genitalia). Other organs associated with this chakra are the womb, kidneys, bladder, and the lower back.

This is the chakra of WATER and of FEELINGS. Its colors are shades of orange. The gemstones for this chakra are coral, carlenian, and moonstone. The herbs and oils for this chakra are orris, clove, vanilla, jasmine, ylang ylang, sandalwood, copal, coconut, orange, bergamot, neroli, and damiana.

If you wish to ingest substances to help connect with this chakra, eat foods that are pleasurable or high on the citrus or liquid side. These include water (of course) orange juice, coconut milk, sliced oranges, aloe juice, fruits and salads. For those who like teas, we recommend an orange-rooibos blend or prehaps a lichee-jasmine tea.

This chakra is associated with female sexual energy, pleasure, sexual passion, emotiona, change, creativity, confidence, reproduction, fertility, desire, gratification, and emotional identity. You know you have problems or blocks with your navel chakra if you have sexual problems or urinary problems. GUILT blocks this chakra. Work through the things you feel guilty for or of to clear out and open this chakra. Forgive yourself and then let go. You will feel balanced and more able to "go with the flow".

Some things you can do to meditate and connect with this chakra are to do exercises to work out the lower back and lower abdomen, pelvis rocking, massaging the lower back and buttocks... having sex.

This chakra is also about the RIGHT TO FEEL. You have the right to feel, no emotions are wrong. You have the right to feel pleasure. Pleasure invites us to expand while pain generally makes us contract. Nurture yourself, care for your needs, love your body, feed your soul.

Perhaps make a list: What brings you pleasure?

Try doing one thing a day that simply pleases you.

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