Thursday, August 23, 2007

Spiritual Cleansing

We we get back from vacations and ready ourselves for school and work, we often find the need to cleans and purify ourselves. We seek a connection in spirituality and a sense of rejuvenation, energy to face the new Fall endeavors ahead. Here are some things you can do.

Spiritual Cleansing Bath:
The Women's or Men's spiritual cleansing bath salt is perfect for this. You simply add 2 tbsp. to your regular bath and allow its energy to sooth and cleanse your spirit. You can light white candles aound your bathtub to lend to the atmosphere and strengths.

For Business:
Place a jade stone with some sea salt and your business card into a green pouch and place it into your business for one month.

For School:
Invest in a comforting tea that increases open-mindedness and awareness, like a mint-based tea. When you study, use our specially blended Study oil to help you absorb and remember the information and then again to recall it for your exams.

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