Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March 2013 Events & Workshops

Healer Discussion Panel - FREE

A monthly discussion panel is organized with the healers of Mélange Magique's. Do you wish to know more about specific methods of healing, such as Reiki, Shiatsu, Reflexology or Osteopathy? Are you curious about how healing can affect not only your physical body, but your energetic and psychic abilities? This month we will have a general and open discussion. As time goes on, we will focus on specific aspects of healing that may raise questions in the public.

Friday March 1st, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Cost: FREE

Meditation in Pregnancy (Katherine Seiler)

Throughout pregnancy and childbirth meditation can be of great use! Learn the benefits, techniques, and more. Come talk to other moms and moms-to-be about how meditation can help!

*Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring whatever makes you feel comfortable (slippers, pillow, etc).*

Saturdays throughout March, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Cost: $25 per person per session or $40 if you sign up with a friend (saving you each $5)

House Cleansing, Blessing, & Protecting (Scarlet)

Your home is your sanctuary! It should always feel like the safe and happy place you wish to return to. Come learn how to do a house cleansing, purification and blessing. Also discover ways to protect your home from negativity.

Saturday, March 9th, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: $40

Reiki Share (Anouk Mackenzie)

Do you enjoy gentle, hands-on healing? Need a boost to help you get through the winter? Relax and renew your body, mind and spirit with a 30-minute session of Reiki energy healing for only $10.

Sundays, March 10th & 24th, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cost: $10 donation

Introduction to Meditation (Katherine Seiler)

Come learn the basics, the how's, the why's of meditation, and more! Followed by discussion and guided meditation. All are welcome!

*Please wear comfortable clothing. Nothing too constricting.*

Sundays, March 10th & 24th, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Cost: $5 per person per session

Aura Cleansing (Scarlet)

This course will teach you several techniques of aura cleansing, as well as how to cleanse your chakras. It involves alternative healing, energy work, and guided meditation. These are skills you will be able to use on yourself and others.

*Please dress comfortably and bring a cushion to sit on if possible.*

Saturday, March 16th, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: $40

Aura & Chakra Series (Scarlet)

Welcome to this weekly in-depth exploration of the chakras. Each week will focus on a different chakra with the first class being a cleansing of the auric bodies. Learn about blocks and how to release them, correspondences to help you tap into the chakra energies and cleanse your own chakras, and exercises to help you become more in-tune with each chakra.

*Please bring a cup for tea at the start of each class, wear comfortable yoga clothing and bring a mat or cushion to sit upon.*

March 16th through May 11th, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost: $40 per class or $250 for all 8 classes (savings of $70)

Reiki I (Robyn)

Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.

Saturday, March 17th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $150

Herbes et plantes pour vous soigner: Atelier pratique (Diane)

Venez apprendre comment faire quelques soins pour vous et votre corps à base de plantes et herbes médicinales.

Repartez avec un échantillon de chaque chose que nous aurons préparé ensembles. (Vous le faites avec moi). Nous travaillerons entre-autre avec: cire d'abeilles, vodka, souci, mourron, huile végétale, huiles essentielles, sel d'epsom, et bien plus encore. Parmi les soins que nous ferons se trouvent: Crème apaisante pour les mains, Pommade pour coupures et éraflures, Teinture contre l'insomnie, Sel de bain vivifiant. Habillez-vous pour vous salir car nous utiliseront des huiles.

*Le coût est relié aux ingrédients et objets nécessaires pour cet atelier.*

(Min 4 personnes sinon annulé)

Dimanche, 17 mars, de 13 à 16 heures
Cost: $150

Runic Crash Course: Three-Part Series (Matt)

Are you curious about the ancient Germanic system of divination and magick known as THE RUNES? In this series we will be working through 24 powerful meditations on the energy of the runes. Instead of rote memorization, or book study, you will be taking up the runes directly by going into trance and interacting with their energies and the deities that imbue them with power, and then watch as your life starts to take on the landscape of those energies.

Saturdays, March 16th, 23rd, & 30th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Cost: $100

Selling Your Handmade Goods on Etsy (Josie Blanchette of Angelyques Trinkets)

Do you make neat things and want to sell them on the most popular handmade site? In this 1-day seminar you will learn how to do everything from photographing your products to promoting your store. A personal review of your current online store is also included in the seminar price.

*You Need: A link to your online store for review at the time of sign up, and note-taking implements.*

Saturday, March 16th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Cost: $40

Public Ostara Ritual (MPRC: Hobbes & Ryan)

The MPRC wants to celebrate Earth Hour and Oestra, so we'll do it at the same time! We're proposing an outdoor drumming session to celebrate the heartbeat of the earth!

Outdoor Drumming Session: Esplanade Ernest-Cormier (the park across from the Canadian Centre for Architecture) corner of duFort and Rene-Levesque. In case of rain, the drumming session will be moved to the second floor of Melange Magique (1928 Ste. Catherine Street West).

*What to bring: Warm clothing, a drum, noise makers, dancing shoes, a chair to sit on.*

Saturday, March 23rd, 7:00 pm
Cost: FREE

Intro to the Medicine Wheel (Sarah Orr)

The Medicine Wheel is a tool that reveals that which exists in the invisible realm. It has existed for thousands of years and continues to offer insights relevant to everyday living. Through stories, dreams and ritual, we will explore the connections between ourselves and the natural world. Join us for an evening of phenomenon.

*Please feel free to bring drums or rattles with you to this class.*

Thursday, March 28th, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Cost: $25

Saturday, February 23, 2013

FAQ: What are the Elementals?

Elementals are beings that inhabit nature, specifically through the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. After this basic definition things get a bit fuzzier. Some people claim that all spirits associated with nature such as nymphs, faeries and devas are elementals. Others restrict elementals to the four beings described by the 16th Century Occultist Paracelsus: Earth Gnomes, Air Sylphs, Water Undines and Fire Salamanders.

The elementals are considered by most Occultists to be "lower beings" in that they rarely exhibit a will or intellect of their own. (Elemental spirits are not to be confused with elemental Kings, Queens and Intelligences, which are considered "higher beings" and do have their own will and intellect.) One can think of elementals as the little worker bees of the natural world: busily going about their assigned tasks without much thought. The task that they perform, however, is the all-important one of maintaining the spiritual structure of the material world and the world of nature. As such, people who are sensitive to spirits can often sense a disturbance in the natural order of things by a disturbance in the flow of the elementals. When this happens it is important for those of us who are nature conscious to try to correct whatever imbalance has set them off course.

Magically speaking  elementals have been invoked for centuries to lend a magical hand in rituals, particularly those involving the elements. They are often invoked at the beginning of rituals in order to lend their energies to the work at hand. Working and meditating with the elementals is also a great way to get yourself in tune with an element. However, because elementals do not have great intelligence or will if you invoke them and especially if you give them a certain task to do, make sure you release and banish them after! Otherwise they will stick around forever continuing the task or filling the space or your aura with their elemental energy until you tell them to stop. This can cause great imbalance in the spaces, yourself and those around you, and even some harm. On the other hand, doing a meditation where you become aware of the elementals all around you is completely safe and very interesting.

Here are the prayers to each of the elementals as described by Eliphas Levi, the French Occultist, which can be used to invoke them or if said silently during meditation to become aware of them and to give them some recognition and thanks for their part in maintaining the universe.

The Prayer of the Gnomes or Earth Spirits.

O Invisible King, who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didst hollow its depths to fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World, Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow in the veins of the rocks, King of the Seven Lights, Rewarder of the subterranean workers, lead us into the desirable Air and into the Realm of Splendour. We watch and we labour unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis of the Lodestone which passes through the centre of the Earth – O Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand our hearts, unbind and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures. O Stability and Motion! O Darkness veiled in Brilliance! O Day clothed in Night! O Master who never doest withhold the wages of Thy workmen! O Silver Whiteness – O Golden Splendour! O Crown of Living and Harmonious Diamond! Thou who wearest the Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou who hidest beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvellous Seed of the Stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. Amen.

The Prayer of the Sylphs or Air Spirits.

SPIRIT OF LIFE! Spirit of Wisdom! Whose breath giveth forth and withdraweth the form of all things: THOU before whom the life of beings is but a shadow which changeth, and a vapour which passeth; THOU who mountest upon the clouds, and who walkest upon the Wings of the Wind. THOU who breathest forth Thy breath, and endless space is peopled; THOU who drawest in Thy breath, and all that cometh from Thee returneth unto Thee! CEASELESS MOTION in Eternal Stability, be Thou eternally blessed! We praise Thee and we bless Thee in the Changelss Empire of Created Light, of Shades, of Reflections, and of Images, and we aspire without cessation unto Thy immutable and imperishable brilliance. Let the ray of Thy intelligence and the warmth of Thy love penetrate even unto us! Then that which is Volatile shall be Fixed; the Shadow shall be a Body; the Spirit of Air shall be a Soul; the Dream shall be a Thought. And no more shall we be swept away by the Tempest, but we shall hold the Bridles of the Winged Steeds of Dawn. And we shall direct the course of the Evening Breeze to fly before Thee! O Spirit of Spirits! O Eternal Soul of Souls! O imperishable Breath of Life! O creative sigh! O Mouth which breathest forth and withdrawest the life of all beings, in the flux and reflux of Thine Eternal Word, which is the Divine Ocean of Movement and of Truth! Amen.

 The Prayer of the Undines or Water Spirits.

Terrible King of the Sea, Thou who holdest the Keys of the Cataracts of Heaven, and who enclosest the subterraean Waters in the cavernous hollows of Earth. King of the Deluge and of the Rains of Spring. Thou who openest the sources of the rivers and of the fountains; thou who commandest moisture which is, as it were, the Blood of the Earth, to become the sap of the plants. We adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Speak Thou unto us, Thy Mobile and changeful creatures, in the Great Tempests,Thou unto us, Thy Mobile and changeful creatures, in the Great Tempests, and we shall tremble before Thee. Speak to us also in the murmer of the limpid Waters, and we shall desire Thy love. O Vastness! wherein all the rivers of Being seek to lose themselves – which renew themselves ever in Thee! O Thou Ocean of Infinite Perfection! O Height which reflectest Thyself in the Depth! O Depth which exhalest into the Height! Lead us unto the true life through intelligence, through love! Lead us into immortality through sacrifice, that we may be found worthy to offer one day unto Thee, the Water, the Blood and the Tears, for the Remission of Sins! Amen.

The Prayer of the Salamanders or Fire Spirits.

Immortal, Eternal, Ineffable and Uncreated Father of all, borne upon the Chariot of Worlds which ever roll in ceaseless motion. Ruler over the Etherial Vastness where the Throne of Thy Power is raised from the summit of which Thine Eyes behold all and Thy Pure and Holy Ears hear all – help us, thy children, whom Thou hast loved since the birth of the Ages of Time! Thy Majesty, Golden, Vast and Eternal, shineth above the Heaven of Stars. Above them art Thou exalted. O Thou Flashing Fire, there Thou illuminatest all things with Thine Insupportable Glory, whence flow the Ceaseless Streams of Splendour which nourish Thine Infinite Spirit. This Infinite Spirit nourishest all and maketh that inexhausible Treasure of Generation which ever encompasseth Thee replete with the mumberless forms wherewith Thou hast filled it from the Beginning. From this Spirit arise those most holy Kings who are around Thy Throne, and who compose Thy Court. O Universal Father, One and Alone! Father alike of Immortals and Mortals. Thou hast especially created Powers similar unto thy Thought Eternal and unto Thy Venerable Essence. Thou hast established them above the Angels who announce Thy Will to the world. Lastly, thou hast created us as a third Order in our Elemental Empire. There our continual exercise is to praise and to adore Thy Desires; there we ceaselessy burn with Eternal Aspirations unto Thee, O Father! O Mother of Mothers! O Archetype Eternal of Maternity and Love! O Son, the Flower of all Sons! Form of all Forms! Soul, Spirit, Harmony, and Numeral of all things! Amen!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lupercalia: the bloodier precurser to Valentine's Day

Back before Christianity when Rome was barely even a Republic, the ancient Romans celebrated a ritual every year on February 15th called Lupercalia. Though many of the origins and original practices are lost to the mists of time, there is enough literature mentioning the ritual that it's basic form can be devised and its purposes can be conjectured at.

The myth most often associated with Lupercalia is that of Remus and Romulus, the two founding brothers of Rome. Remus and Romulus were thrown into the river by their uncle who wanted to seize their kingdom. Saved by driftwood, the twins were found and raised by a she-wolf (Lupa).
Lupercalia, which derives from the Latin root "lupus" meaning "wolf" started off in the cave called the Lupercal where Remus and Romulus were theoretically suckled by Lupa. There two sets of men (which was later made into three by Julius Ceasar) called the Luperci Quinctiales and the Luperci Fabiani would gather and sacrifice a goat, and often a dog. The goat is said to represent the fertility aspect of the ritual, especially since goats were sacred to Pan or Faunus, a fertility and lust god. The dog is more obscure, though it is suggested that it was sacrificed because dogs are seen as the enemy of wolves. The blood of the sacrifice would be smeared on the Luperci and strips would be made of the skins to use as small whips. The Luperci would then laugh and feast on the meat before starting their ritual run through Rome by the "sacred way," the Palatine. As the Luperci ran through the city purifying it they would whip married women with the skin thongs they carried. This was supposed to impart fertility on the women, as can be seen represented by the picture below:
These actions may seem a bit distasteful to modern ears but Lupercalia was an incredibly popular ritual. It was practiced all over the Roman empire, theoretically since the founding of Rome up to 494 CE, when the Pope finally outlawed it's practice. Even so it was still practiced in some Roman Orthodox countries for quite some time afterwards.

Some people like to claim that Valentine's Day was made popular in order to eradicate Lupercalia, or that Valentines Day was made to replace it. Though the former was probably true in some manner or other, Lupercalia and Valentine's day hold very few similarities other than date which argues against the latter. Unlike All Hallow's Eve, Christmas and Easter which quite clearly borrowed Pagan traditions, Valentine's Day does not seem to borrow any traditions from Lupercalia unless you consider the broad connection of love and marriage with fertility and lust. The renewal and purification aspect of Lupercalia is certainly lost however, even if the Catholic Church was trying to convert the ancient Roman ritual into a more "acceptable" pattern.

As Neo-Pagans, Lupercalia proves an interesting ritual. The symbolism is clearly very potent and visceral, as can be proved by it's huge and lengthy popularity. However I'm pretty sure if you ran down the main roads of your city or town naked and bloody whipping women today you would most likely get arrested. Be that as it may, the baby does not have to be thrown out with the bathwater. February 14th can still be celebrated by interested Pagans by following it's major themes of lust, abandon, fertility and purification. Maybe instead of sacrificing a goat you can eat some goat curry at your local West Indian restaurant. Instead of blessing and purifying your city by running naked through it's streets (which would be pretty uncomfortable in most of Canada anyways), maybe you could use a map or a labyrinth as a representative. Lupercalia might also be a good time for those with Wolf as a totem to give praise to their guides or even donate some money for preservation of wolf packs in the wild. Those who worship the ancient Greek and Roman gods can take this opportunity to make an offering and a prayer to Pan, Faunus, Bacchus or Dionysus. And for those of you who are fond of Ancient Rome, Lupercalia can be used as a way to read the myth of Remus and Romulus and toast to one of the worlds greatest civilizations.
