Tuesday, December 25, 2012

January 2013 Workshops & Events

January is HOT TEA MONTH!
Come in each week to taste our weekly featured tea.

Meditation in Pregnancy (Katherine Seiler)
For any stage of pregnancy, meditation is important for you and your baby. Come connect with your baby, yourself, and create a stress free environment. Learn the benefits, as well as safe postures, teas, and energies for you both.
*Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring whatever makes you feel comfortable (slippers, pillow, etc)
Fridays and Saturdays throughout January, 1-2 pm
Cost: $25 per person per session or $40 if you sign up with a friend (saving you each $5)

POETRY WORKSHOP - FREE (Elizabeth Johnston)
Explore the poetic realm with Elizabeth Johnston during this free, 45-minute poetry workshop.
Material required: pen and notebook.
Thursday, January 10, 7pm

BODHRAN DEMO & TALK - FREE (Elizabeth Johnston)
Join Elizabeth Johnston for a free talk on the bodhran, the Irish frame drum. During this 45-minute event, you'll have an opportunity to learn about its origins, its use in traditional music today, and the basic rudiments of playing.
Materials needed: Extra bodhrans will be on hand for people to use, but if you have your own bodhran, bring it along.
Thursday, January 10, 8pm.
Cost: FREE

Reiki 1 (Robyn)
Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.
Saturday, January 12th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $150

The Magic of Flirtation (Matt) (two-part series for men)
Are you a man who is frustrated in love? Have you ever been stuck in the dreaded 'friendzone'? Or find yourself unable to connect with the women who you're attracted to? In this course we will be looking at magical techniques for building satisfaction and seductive power. We'll be exploring the magick of how to become that which is so highly attractive to women they will be fighting over you. We will explore powerful techniques on how to get out of your own way and get the attention you want by building enticing feelings around yourself that women find intensely compelling. If you want to see your love life change from constant frustration to abundant satisfaction, then this workshop series is a must. Just imagine how many things in your life will change once you are satisfied in love.
Saturday January 12th, 12-5 pm, and February 2, 12-5 pm  
Cost: $125

Paper making workshop (Diane)
Come join me to learn how to make paper at home, using all types of old papers you have on hand.
Dress to get dirty, and bring something heavy so you can put inside the paper you will have made.
This is simple and fun, using simple tools!
Sunday, January 13, 1-4pm
Cost: $35

Intro to the Medicine Wheel (Sarah Orr)
The Medicine Wheel is a tool that reveals that which exists in the invisible realm. It has existed for thousands of years and continues to offer insights relevant to everyday living. Through stories, dreams and ritual, we will explore the connections between ourselves and the natural world. Join us for an evening of phenomenon.
Thursday, January 17th, 7-9pm
Cost: $25

POETRY WORKSHOP (Elizabeth Johnston)

There's poetry all around us. It's rooted in the real and tangible. Every silent object around us is waiting for us to give it voice. Explore the poetic realm with Elizabeth Johnston during this 10-week workshop.
Material required: pen and notebook.
Thursdays, 6-8pm, Jan. 17, 24, 31; Feb. 7, 14; 28; Mar. 7, 14, 21, & 28. -- Please note there is no class on Feb. 21.
Cost: $250

Bbeginner bodhran class is where you can learn how to play this magical instrument.
Bring your own bodhran and tipper.
Thursdays, 8-9pm, Jan. 17, 24, 31; Feb. 7, 14; 28; Mar. 7, 14, 21, & 28. -- Please note there is no class on Feb. 21.
Cost: $150

Introduction to Tea and Tea Tasting (Scarlet)
Learn about different kinds of tea and their health benefits. Taste a variety of types and witness a tea ceremony each day.
January 18th will feature herbal teas through the green tea ranges. Witness the Japanese macha tea ceremony.
January 25th will feature the darjeelings, oolongs, and black teas. Witness the Chinese tea ceremony.
Fridays, January 18th & 25th, 6-7pm
Cost: $10 each day

Introduction to Paganism (Scarlet)
What is magic? What is Paganism? What is witchcraft? What is Wicca? Learn the basics and history of these terms, the similarities and differences, related holidays, and tools for ritual. This is a brief introduction the Contemporary Paganism and where you can go to find out more.
Friday, January 18th, 7-8pm
Cost: FREE

Crescent Moon School Open House
Crescent Moon School is Montreal's longest running school of magic and paganism, having started in 1995. Its goal is to help you find your path. Come to the Open House to meet some of the teachers and students and to see what students of all levels have done the past year. Registration is open throughout January and will end February 2nd.
Open House & Registration Friday, January 25th, 7:00pm
Level 1: Fridays 6-9pm, starting February 8thh for 20 weeks (Scarlet & Marc)
$300 (or 3 x $100 every 6 weeks) Reading pack & workbooks included.

Pierres et crystaux 101 (par Valérie, en français)
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé dans quel but certains minéraux ont été utilisés en bijouterie, à des fins spirituelles, ou pour de la guérison? Saviez-vous que les minéraux contiennent des propriétés naturelles qui sont associées à des aspects de votre vie et à des parties de votre corps? Venez découvrir les propriétés d'une douzaine de pierres et crystaux utilisés couramment en magie, en spiritualité et en guérison.
Samedi le 26 janvier, de 14h à 16h.
Frais: $30

Walking on Water (Matt)
Do you find yourself thrown around by your emotions? Do you have trouble with anger outbursts, or does worry cripple you in your life? Do you wish you could be calmer, or experience bliss at will? This workshop will explore powerful techniques for gaining control over your emotions. You will learn how to turn examine the building blocks of emotional states, increase or decrease their intensity, or replace them with other feelings all together. Furthermore, you will learn how to set yourself up to feel wonderful feelings in future situations that in the past made you feel horrible. Emotional freedom is within your grasp.
Saturday, January 26th, 1-5 pm
Cost: $35

Sunday Sabbat Sale
Sunday, January 27th
10% off everything in store all day!

Wicca 101 (par Diane et Valérie, en français)
La Wicca est une branche spécialisée du paganisme, terme utilisé pour décrire les religions révérencieuses de la nature. Venez découvrir l'origine de la Wicca, ses principes fondamentaux, et ses particularités qui peuvent varier d'une région à l'autre. Deux adeptes chevronnées de la Wicca partagerons leurs connaissances et leurs expériences avec vous.
Dimanche le 27 janvier, de 14h à 16h.
Frais: $30

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Schedule- Heures d'Ouverture Pour les Fete

The Holidays are on our doorstep! Here are the hours we are open for the next week:

Les fetes sont à nos portes! Voici la liste des heures d'ouverture pour la semaine prochaine:

Dec. 19: 10h- 21h
Dec. 20: 10h- 21h
Dec. 21: 10h- 21h
Dec. 22: 10h- 18h
Dec. 23: 10h- 18h
Dec. 24: 10h- 15h
Dec. 26: 12h- 18h
Dec. 27: 10h- 21h
Dec. 28: 10h- 21h
Dec. 29: 10h- 18h
Dec. 30: 12h- 17h
Dec. 31: 10h- 15h

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sunday Sabbat Sale - Yule 2012

Tomorrow, December 16, is our Sunday Sabbat Sale for Yule 2012! Come into our store and get 10% off your entire purchase!

If you still have holiday gifts left to get, tomorrow would be an excellent time to finish your shopping at a discount!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Yule Feasting

There are only a few historical accounts of the ancient Germanic and Norse practices during Yule but it does seem very certain that feasting was a big part of it. Some people also link the tradition of having a Christmas Ham with the ancient tradition of sacrificing and eating a Yule Boar in honor of the Norse god Freyr during the Yule feast. Boars aren't very easy to get these days but hams are available at any grocery store. And though the practice of serving up a whole boar on a golden platter with an apple in his mouth is also out of fashion, cooking ham with apples certainly isn't. So for a modern spin on an ancient tradition, try this recipe for your Yuletide feast:

Slow-Cooker Apple Spiced Ham. 

This tasty ham is usually made in a slow-cooker but if you don't have one you can use a roasting pan or a Dutch Oven on low heat for an hour or so. This is also a recipe that I invented, so none of the measurements are exact. Have fun and adjust it to your tastes!

You will need:
- 1 cup old fashioned apple juice.
- 3-4 apples (I prefer Macintosh apples).
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp allspice
- a pinch of cloves
- (Nutmeg to taste)
- 1/4 cup maple syrup (you can cheat and add a little maple to some table syrup if you are low)
- 2 tbsp of brown sugar (the darker the better)
- Half a smoked ham (black forest or maple smoked work the best).

Unwrap your ham and grab a handful of cloves. Stick the cloves into the ham at regular intervals to infuse the ham with the spice. Traditionally this is done like so:
but I find that is waaaay too many cloves, especially if it is going to be in the slow cooker all day.
Place your cloved ham into the slow cooker and pour the apple juice in with it. Peel and slice the apples into thick rounds and place these in the the slow cooker, overlapping the ham as much as possible. Sprinkle the ham and apples with the cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg (if you choose to use it). Rub the skin of the ham with the brown sugar and then pour the syrup over it and the apples as evenly as possible. Turn your slow cooker on low and let it cook for 5-7 hours. This is a great recipe to put up before work so you can come back to a delicious meal!
To serve, slice the ham into thick slices, remove as many of the cloves as you can and spoon the apple mush juice over the slice. Give thanks to Freyr for the feast and ask him to bless your new year. Enjoy!
The Norse God Freyr

FAQ: How do I do a basic spell?

Basic spell crafting is actually quite easy! All it takes is a little bit of knowledge of basic spell components and some will and visualization.

Here is a simple candle spell outline that can be changed for almost any purpose, with an example for a money spell:

  1. Take a candle of the appropriate color for your purpose and carve the subject (i.e. the name of the person you want to affect or the situation or object) on the candle. I would choose a green candle to represent luck and money and carve onto it "Please bring me enough money to pay my bills every month."
  2. Anoint your candle with an appropriate oil for your purpose, or, choose a scented candle that already has oils in it to suit your purpose. There is some difference of opinion as to which direction you should rub the oil but I usually avoid worrying about this by putting the oil into my hand and then rolling the candle between my palms. Either way it is more important that the candle be completely covered in the oil. For my money spell I could choose to anoint my green candle with "money drawing" oil or maybe use one of the Coventry Creations candles associated with money.
  3. For added help in focusing, add an incense stick. In this case "Money Drawing" incense sticks would work well. 
  4. Light your candle and incense, and focus on your goal, trying to visualize it as clearly as you can. I would visualize myself opening my wallet to pay a bill and having enough to pay and some left over. I would visualize my Visa bill being paid off and my Hydro bill being up to date.
  5. Recite a charm, affirmation, psalm or request to help formulate and ask the universe for help achieving your goal. Blessed Hathor, Goddess of abundance: Please help me to find the means to repay those I owe. Help me to have the funds to live a modest life. Blessed be.
  6. Let the candle burn to the end, and leave the results up to the Universe.
Here are some basic colors and their associations to help you choose a candle that is appropriate for your spell. Also check out the FAQ on the Elements for some more associations.

Red: Passion, love, creativity, Fire, Mars, Root Chakra.
Orange: Communication, mental stability, power, Mercury, Navel Chakra.
Yellow: Also communication and intellect, success, Air, Sun, Solar Plexus Chakra.
Green: Money, luck, prosperity, financial and earthly stability, Earth, Venus, Heart Chakra.
Blue: Peace, calm, healing, emotional balance, justice, Water, Jupiter, Throat Chakra.
Purple: Magic in general, psychic powers, the Moon, Third Eye Chakra (sometimes associated with Indigo).
White: Purity, blessing, Spirit, Crown Chakra (sometimes associated with violet).
Black: Banishing, ridding unwanted energy, cessation, grounding, Earth.

Now that you have a basic template of a spell you can mix and match elements for any spell you choose! Whether it's passing your exam (yellow candle and study oil) or healing your cold (blue candle and healing oil) you have the tools with which to focus your desires and manifest your magic!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

December Workshops & Events 2012

Saturday & Sunday December 1 & 2, 10am-6pm both days
Local artisans & FREE workshops
Ritual Sunday December 2nd at 7pm

Meditation in Pregnancy (Katherine Seiler)
For any stage of pregnancy, meditation is important for you and your baby. Come connect with your baby, yourself, and create a stress free environment. Learn the benefits, as well as safe postures, teas, and energies for you both.
*Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring whatever makes you feel comfortable (slippers, pillow, etc)
Fridays (Dec. 7, 14, 21) and Saturdays (Dec. 8, 15, 22) and Sunday (Dec. 30) from 1-2 pm
Cost: $25 per person per session or $40 if you sign up with a friend (saving you each $5)

Reiki Share (Monika Marczuk and Anouk Mackenzie)
Pressed for time? Hectic life has you running in circles? Not a lot of time on your hands, but need time to relax and decompress? Come and take advantage of the art of Reiki healing with 30 min sessions for the incredibly low cost of 10$ per session
Sunday December 9th &16th, 1-3 pm
Cost: 10$ donation

Paper making workshop (Diane)  
Come join me to learn how to make your own paper at home. It's a very good way to recycle old school notes, magazines and different textures of paper you may have on hand.
**Please bring something big, solid and waterproof to press the sheets of paper you will have made in between .
***Please dress in old jeans and t-shirt, clothing to get dirty in will do.
Tuesday, December 11th, 6:30 to 9:30)
Cost: 35$

Mastering the Marseilles (Matt)
The history of Tarot is a long and winding road, filled with legend and obfuscation. What we now know as the modern Tarot has common roots, that seem to date to a period in post renaissance France, in the city of Marseilles, where several decks arose, perhaps as a game, perhaps as a spiritual system. We may never know, but we do know that we can learn its mysteries by study of the symbolism and numerology of the Marseilles deck. In this workshop we will be examining the simple number system that acts as the keys to the Tarot Marseilles which will unlock the mysteries of its symbolism.
Saturday, December 8th, 1-5 pm, $40

The Magikian’s Circle (Matt)
For mastery of the energy body, many traditions have looked at the persona as a multi-faceted set of tools. In this workshop we will be looking at a series of tasks, and developing the magikal tools needed to face them. These tools will be organized and compartmentalized into a fully customizable and personal system of correspondences and anchors that can be easily accessed in the field of the every day. Think of it as a self-programmable magical circle that goes wherever you go, and can be activated at will.
Saturday, December 29th, 1-5pm, $40

Sunday Sabbat Sale
Sunday, December 16th
10% off everything in store all day!

Open Public Winter Solstice Ritual
Friday, Dec 21st, 7-9pm

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

November Events & Workshops

Zombie Apocalypse Preparations (Scarlet)

What do you need to have in your emergency magical bomb shelter against the Zombie Apocalypse? What kinds of zombies are there in myth and culture? Let’s talk about how to deal with them and how to survive. Be a warrior! Be a survivor!

Friday, November 2nd, 6:00pm - 8:00 pm, $40

Connecting with the Divine Feminine Energy (Monika)

Come and connect with your feminine essence that may be hard to access in today's very masculine world. By exploring both masculine and feminine energies you will learn what energy guides your life, how the forgotten feminine longs to remember and how to harness the power of the masculine to become more balanced.

*All participants must come in comfortable clothing and bring a pillow or meditation cushion.*

Saturday, November 3rd, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, $25

Take Up the Runes: Special Three-Part Introduction to the Elder Futhark (Matt)

Join us for this three-part series to feel the force of ancient Viking Magic surging through you as you ‘Take up the Runes’ of the Elder Futhark. We will be discussing oracular and magical uses of each of the Runes, and then inducing powerful shamanic states to understand and make use of the energies behind the Runes. In each of the three classes, you will connect with eight powerful tools and make use of them for luck, wealth, love, protection, or spiritual development. In the end, the Runes will speak to you from crook of tree branch, or the cracks in the paving stones. Practice well, and the Runes will transform your vision, making everything magical and giving you the power to master the secrets of creation.

Saturdays, November 10th, 17th, and 24th, 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, $100

FREE Screening of Pagan Documentary: The WinniPagans!

(Guest Presenter: Dodie Graham)
Since the 1980’s Winnipeg’s pagan community has been growing and hosting public events. Hear the story from some of the people who are making it happen...The WinniPagans. Shot in Winnipeg and featuring some of the people who are making the "WinniPagan" community a vital and growing part of our cities culture.

Monday, November 12th, 7:00 pm, FREE

Reiki 1 (Robyn)

Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.

Saturday, November 24th, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, $150

Friday, October 05, 2012

Giving Thanks

Canada has a long and varied relationship with Thanksgiving. Canadians have been celebrating Thanksgiving in one form or another since 1799, though the time of year and reason behind the holiday varied until about 1887 when the day of celebrating the "Blessings of an abundant harvest" were fixed, with some exceptions, on a Thursday around mid November, merging into the practice of holding it on the same day as "Armistice Day" (now known as Remembrance Day) after the First World War. By about 1931 the practice of having Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October came about and the Holiday was made official in 1957. Interestingly, Canada, unlike in the U.S., has held "Thanksgiving" days for all sorts of reasons: the end of wars, the end of Cholera, Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee etc. But still there was a long history of celebrating the Harvest in Canada in October and November, and that is the practice that survives until today.

Celebrating the harvest is not a foreign concept to most Pagans. In the Pagan (largely derived from the Celtic) calendar there are three major harvest festivals: Lughnasadh (Lammas), Mabon and Samhain. Thanksgiving falls almost directly between the latter two, which is not surprising either culturally or practically since this time of year is in fact when a lot of the Canadian harvesting is done. As a largely urban community as well, it is even more important to celebrate and be thankful for the bounty of the land in order to help bridge the gap between us and our food. Being respectful and thankful for the abundance around us also makes us more conscious and conscientious which promotes your own health and the health of the animals and vegetation we eat. This is a very Pagan concept.

This year, I suggest making your Thanksgiving with a little extra Pagan flare: Set a place at your table for the Goddess and the God. Thank the Goddess for the bounty of the earth, offering her a slice of pumpkin pie, an apple, some corn, potatoes and cranberries. Thank the God for providing us with meat and ask him to bless the souls of the animals who were sacrificed so we could eat. Pile his plate with turkey and gravy  pour him some wine or mead as befits the Great Hunter. At the end of the meal, put some of the food outside for the local wildlife to enjoy, as well as any Fae hanging about (they really like apples and honey). If you can, bury the rest so you are giving back to the earth what it has given you.

For centuries Canadians have been observing the practice of being thankful for great fortune and bounty. Pagans have been doing the same for millennia. This year, blend the two for a truly thankful Thanksgiving.

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

October Workshops & Events 2012

Banned Book Read-In/Out (FREE EVENT)

Book banning and book burning infringes on so many rights and freedoms. The freedom of expression and the freedom to read... and the freedom of CHOICE. Pagan books have oft shown up on this list (though not this year). Want to do  something for this? How about a READ-IN? Free tea/coffee and snacks to all those who show up with one of this year's top 10 banned books to sit and read with us.

Check http://bannedbooksweek.org/about for the list of the Top 10 Banned books of 2012.

Friday, October 5th, 5:00pm - 9:00pm, FREE

Intro Divination (Scarlet)

We are all familiar with the usual forms of divination, Tarot and Astrology. But did you know there are hundreds of other forms and tools? In this workshop you will learn the basics of performing divination and discover various tools and techniques: Shells, Pendulum, Scrying (water, fire, mirror, wax, crystal ball), Runes, Tea/Coffee leaves, and Dreams.

Friday, October 12th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, $40

Preliminary Potion Preparation Practicum (Matt Risk)

In this workshop, you will learn how to create custom condensers, elucidate elemental elixirs, and produce planetary potions. We will be covering the basic planetary associations of several well known herbs, and how to combine them with magical intent with simple kitchen equipment to make life changing serums.

Saturday, October 13th, 2:00pm - 5:00pm $40

CBA (Canadian Book Association) Independence Day

Come in and visit with us as we celebrate with Independent Book Sellers all over Canada. Special discounts, cloth bags, shopper surprises, and so much more! Cross the street to Argo Books to celebrate with the literature community as well!

*If you buy a book at Argo this day and show us your receipt, then you will earn an extra stamp on your Book Reward Card with us*

Tuesday, October 16th

Ancestral Shrines (Scarlet)

This time of year is especially focused on honoring ancestors while the veil between the worlds is thin and passable. This workshop will help you design an ancestral shrine inspired by some cultures creations and means of honoring their dead.

Friday, October 19th, 6:00pm - 8:00pm, $30

Reiki 1 (Robyn)

Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.

Saturday, October 20th, 10:00am – 5:00pm, $150

Reiki II (Robyn)

This course is only open to Reiki practitioners who have already received their First Degree of Reiki. Topics covered will include Reiki symbols and their uses, long-distance treatments, mental/emotional healing treatments, mind-to-mind techniques, chakra harmonization, Crystal grids and formal initiation to the second degree of the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki using the American Reiki Mastery Association's style of initiations.

Sunday, October 21st, 10am - 5pm, $250

The Power of the Word: Communication for Magicians (Matt Risk)

We have all heard of Magical Words that have the power to create changes in reality. Much lesser known is the power of everyday language to shape our expectation, to limit our experience, or to enhance our lives. In this workshop we will learn the power of language, how our phrasing, and even our choice of words shapes our perception. We will learn how we attach powerful emotions to words, and how to create new words of power. We will learn how we use words to either create confusion, or opportunity in our communication, and how to use language to enhance our experience, share our desires with others, or to profoundly change the way in which we act on our worlds.

Saturday, October 27th, 2-5 pm $35

Montreal Witches Masquerade Ball

The Montreal Art Centre
1844 William (corner de Seigneur -- George Vanier metro)
Montreal, QC

Samhain Ritual/rituel (free/gratuit): 7pm (18 years/ans +)
Celebration: 8:30pm (all ages)

Wear your wildest masks! / Portez vos masque les plus fantastiques!
Prizes and raffles! / Prix a gagner
Music spun by / Musique par: DJ Marcus Aurelius

Tickets sold @ / Billets en vente @:
Melange Magique (1928 Saint Catherine Street West, Montreal)
Charme et Sortilège (4933, Rue De Grand-Pre, Montreal)
$12 advanced purchase
$15 at the door
(Tickets will be available in October 2012)

Sponsored by / Presente par:
Montreal Pagan Resource Centre
Centre de Resource Paienne de Montreal

October 27th, 2012

Sunday Sabbat Sale

10% off all purchases all day.
Sunday, October 28th


On Wednesday, October 31st, visit us all dressed up for the holiday. We sure will be! Show up in costume and you could have a chance to will a $25 gift certificate!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The (not-so) Secret History of Melange Magique -

Did you know that Melange Magique almost didn’t exist? It was all up to the flip of a coin…

In 1991, Debra Aubin and Elise Terra, two university students with big ideas, wanted to open a shop. When deciding on what the shop should be, they left it up to a coin toss; option #1, a magic and occult store, and option #2 (I wouldn’t have believed it myself), was a feminist/feminism-focused lingerie store!
The Pagan community breathed a huge sigh of relief when the coin dropped and decided that magic was the way to go!

Melange Magique opened its door in 1991, in the unlikely location of 1946, St. Catherine Street West… directly above the Cock & Bull Pub. It stayed there for roughly 4 years with Debra using her business skills to generate a profit on the expertise that Elise had in all things Pagan, magic, and alternative healing.
In that store, Melange Magique began its ongoing relationship with store Familiars. Our first was a fluffy white cat with a grey diamond on his head, named Kether. He vanished one day in 1994, leaving space for future Familiars such as Chleo, Gulliver, Ghost, Lancelot, Knick-Knack, Tequila, and now our two resident felines, Luna and Ninja. (Did you know we also have had a Familiar parakeet, and currently have a white laughing dove named Angel?)

In 1995, Elise sold her portion of the store to Debra so that she could pursue scholarship opportunities in the United States as a Shiatsu healer. This year also marked Melange Magique’s first and only move, four doors down to 1928 St. Catherine Street West. We’ve been here ever since! (Yes, really. We promise. 17 years in one place!) 

In 1994 long-time employee, Scarlet Jory, opened the Crescent Moon School of Magic and Paganism. The school, independent of the store, used the store’s class space ( as of 1997) to offer a safe and educational introduction to those exploring or renewing their magical practices and spiritual lives. It has matured and evolved since then and still offers a 4 level program every year! 

Neighbour to Melange Magique was Nebula Science Fiction Books. In 1999, Nebula made the decision to sell their store and Debra snapped it up in hopes of saving it. For roughly one year the two stores shared a space, before Nebula finally closed its doors. The closing wasn’t entirely a loss, as it meant that now the ever-growing Melange Magique had more room to continue stocking quality magical products for the Pagan, magical, and spiritual communities in Montreal. 

In a very generous gesture in the year 2000, Melange Magique also donated a large part of Nebula’s space to the newly created Montreal PaganResource Centre. The MPRC still exists in Melange Magique’s space, offering resources, guidance, and support for local Pagans and non-Pagans who need an ear, or a hand. The MPRC still holds Sabbat rituals for the public, and organizes the annual Witches’ Ball, as well as help to facilitate the annual Montreal Pagan Yule Fair (which Melange Magique has organized and hosted for the last 5 years when Concordia University Pagan Society was no longer able to host it at the university). 

Over the past 21 years, we’ve had some pretty interesting visits from Big Name Pagans such as Judika Illes, Patricia Telesco, Marc-Andre (Abraxas), Silver Ravenwolf, Dorothy Morrison, Chris Penczak, Ellen Dugan, RayMalbrough, and Arin Murphy-Hiscock (former employee and good friend of some of our staff!). Adelina St.Clair, a Crescent Moon School graduate, has also published a book and returns to facilitate lectures and discussions from time to time as well! 

In 2005 the store underwent some major renovations. Of particular interest was the creation of Ye Olde Apothecary, Melange Magique’s witchy little corner that sells magical oil, custom blends (bath salts, incense powders, sprinkling powders), herbs, and teas to help with any potential wants, needs, or blessings you can think of. It is still one of the most active and exciting parts of our store, with a large recipe book, and personalized service for our customers. 

Flash-forward to 2011, when Debra Aubin sold the store to previously mentioned veteran employee Scarlet Jory, and her new business partner Valerie Laville. Re-envisioning the store, Scarlet and Valerie have been working endlessly to stock the shelves with new and interesting magical tools, books, and curios. A new addition in the fall of 2011 was offering alternative healing sessions with specialists in Reiki, Shiatsu, and Osteopathy. 

And that brings us to today; OUR 21st BIRTHDAY! 

We are still here, going strong, and continually trying to bring in new and exciting stock, but with a renewed vision and a focus on traditional tools and getting back to basics. As the community around us and our customers grew from budding Wiccans and Pagans, we too grew with them, but the change of hands from Debra to Scarlet and Valerie gives us a renewed appreciation for those new spiritual explorers and their needs! 

We also are exploring new ideas for specialty occult and magical products; hand made altar clothes, wooden altar patens, magical sachets, and maybe even Ouija boards are all things created by hand by staff members and their families. (Imagine a love sachet, knitted by hand, with love by Valerie’s mom! Or, a wooden altar paten from Scarlet’s dad, a woodworking specialist. That’s powerful magic right there!) 

We are also revamping, bit by bit, our original product lines and their labels and packaging. This includes creating new products like our specialized Deity Offering Kits, but it also means new labels and signs are in the works! Yes, you guys heard right, our trademark Wizard (you might remember him from our Moonwise Creations labels, or our front door) is going to be retired. He’s old, and sleepy, and wants to find a nice chalet in Mont Tremblant where he can make potions in peace! We wish him well! 

Today we are 21, but we have a rejuvenated energy. The staff members are excited to be here during this time of renewal, and we are happy to be part of this long-standing cultural hub! 


With that said, a word from Scarlet, one of our new owners:

We are the place where magic happens, and will continue to be a community hub where practitioners of any faith can find information, and supplies, as well as guidance.

Our mission statement has been the same for so long, but I still feel it holds true. I’m so happy to be doing this! 

Mission Statement: The Magical Blend is dedicated to offering a complete selection of products oriented towards the followers of all alternative spiritual paths, including Wicca, Paganism, Magick, Goddess Spirituality, Witchcraft, and Santeria. Blessed be!

P.S. To anyone ‘in the know’; Lady Calendula is doing well, and sends her regards!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pewter History

We are starting to carry more pewter jewelry instead of silver due to the rising cost of pure silver making much of the beautiful pendants we would normally carry to be very expensive. While doing translations we learned that the French word for pewter is étain which actually means tin. So here is some research for all who may be curious about the relation of tin to pewter.

What Two Metals Make Pewter?

By James Holloway, eHow Contributor
Pewter was first developed during the Bronze Age, and has been used ever since to make objects such as dishes, jugs, cups and decorative objects. Pewter is an alloy of tin, which consists of 85-99 percent tin, but it is actually mixed with several other metals, including copper, lead, antimony, and bismuth, not just one metal. The percentages of other metals mixed with tin vary depending on the grade of pewter desired.

Regulating Grades

  • In the Middle Ages, quality control of manufactured goods was carried out by craft guilds or companies. One such group was the Worshipful Company of Pewterers, responsible for controlling the manufacture of pewter. This regulatory body was the first to establish several grades of pewter, each defined by its metal content. The proportions of these metals in the alloy determine the grade of the pewter.

Grades of Pewter

  • Grades of pewter established in the Middle Ages continued to be used until the 19th century. The highest grade of pewter is Fine Metal, which has a copper content of around 1 percent. The second type of pewter, Trifling Ware, consists of tin with around 4 percent lead. This gives it a darker gray color and makes it oxidize more quickly. The third grade of pewter, Ley Metal, contains a very high percentage of lead, around 15 percent. This type of pewter was only used for items that would not come into contact with food or drink since lead is detrimental to health.

Modern Pewter

  • Because of health concerns relating to the quantity of lead in some types of pewter, modern pewter does not contain any. A typical modern pewter alloy contains about 94 percent tin, 1 percent copper, and 5 percent antimony. The exact proportion of these metals varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, and on the intended use of the object being created. Increasing the amount of tin and decreasing the amount of antimony, for instance, produces a softer alloy.

Read more:
What Two Metals Make Pewter? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8114510_two-metals-make-pewter.html#ixzz255GImkeD

Thursday, August 23, 2012

September 2012 Workshops & Events


Friday, August 31st

Crescent Moon School of Magic & Paganism

Crescent Moon School is Montreal's longest running school of magic and paganism, having started in 1995. Its goal is to help you find your path. Come to the Open House to meet some of the teachers and students and to see what students of all levels have done the past year. Registration is open throughout August and will end September 2nd.

Friday, August 31st, 7:00pm

Level 1: Saturdays 1:00pm - 4:00pm, starting September 8th for 20 weeks (John WinterWolf & Marc)
$300 (or 3 x $100 every 6 weeks) Reading pack & workbooks included.

Level 2: Wednesdays 6:00pm - 9:00pm, starting September 5th for 24-27 weeks (Scarlet & Eri)
$375 (or 3x $125 every 8 weeks) Supplies not included.

Level 3: Thursday 6:00pm - 9:00pm, starting September 6th for 24-27 weeks (Scarlet)
$375 (or 3x $125 every 8 weeks) Supplies not included.

Tarot Series (Scarlet)

Welcome to this 4-part comprehensive series on the tarot. Learn about how to bless & prepare your deck & how to protect your deck. The first class will explore the archetypes of the major arcana. The second and third classes explore the archetypes of the minor arcana. The last class in the series teaches you how to do readings for yourself and others, as well as introduce you to spreads and creating your own spreads.

Must have your own tarot deck

Fridays, September 7, 14, 21, & 28, 6-8pm, $120 (or $40 per class, prepay series to get one class free)


TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11TH Come celebrate with us as we turn 21 years old! Book discount cards will be once again available! We will give you your first stamp for FREE with any purchase, just for visiting us on our birthday!

AUTHOR: CHRIS PHILPOTT (“Green Spirituality”)

Chris Philpott will be traveling in from England to speak about Paganism and the spiritual tradition of caring for the environment. He will also do a book-launch and reading from his book “Green Spirituality” which will be on sale across the street at Argo Books.
Saturday, September 15th, 2:00 pm (Lecture @ Melange Magique) FREE
Saturday, September 15th, 4:00 pm (Book Signing @ Melange Magique)
Tuesday, September 18th, 7:00 pm (Book Launch & Reading & Book signing @ Argo Books)


10% off everything in store all day!

Alfs, Wights, and Trolls (Matthew Risk)

In this workshop we will be learning about the different types of small gods of the Northern European Peoples. The local gods of the home, the park near your house, the mountains and the rivers, how they act, how to interact with them, how to make them happy allies, and what to look out for in terms of dangers.

Saturday, September 22nd, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, $35


As a part of Journees de la Culture, from September 28th, 29th & 30th, 2012 at Melange Magique, presenting "EarthSong".

Inspired by the Flora & Fauna of Quebec with a fantastical & imaginative twist. Some environmentalist topics will be explored. Includes a three-day Art Exhibition of the art works of April-Anna & Elissa Baltzer.

Schedule of Events:
  • Free Children's Face Painting from 2:00pm - 4:00pm on Friday, September 28th.
  • Vernissage: 5:00pm - 8:30pm, on Friday, September 28th.
  • Live & Liberté: 3pm-5pm, on Saturday, September 29th.
  • Demonstration of body-painting & fine art painting on canvas.
  • Live music by singer/songwriter Cora Flora.
  • Stop-Motion Animation & Body Painting: 12:00pm - 5:00pm, Sunday, September 30th.
  • Live Demonstration of how to make a stop-motion animation.

Reiki 1 (Robyn)

Join us in this intensive course to learn all you need to know to become a First Degree Reiki Practitioner. Topics covered will include: the history and origins of Reiki, the ethics of being a Reiki practitioner, what the hand positions are in a full Reiki session, how to treat others as well as yourself, and formal initiation to the Usui Shiki Ryoho style of Reiki. Time will be given for practice as well.

Saturday, September 29th, 10:00am – 5:00pm, $150

Walking on Water (Matthew Risk)

Are you plagued by emotions that are out of control? In this workshop we will learn about what it is that triggers our emotional states, why we get carried away by feelings outside of our control, and how to reprogram those triggers so that things that used to bother us lead to feelings we'd prefer to have. By employing creative use of the post-hypnotic state, we can easily learn to master our emotions, make our lives more effective, and more satisfying.

Saturday, September 29th, 2:00 - 5:00pm, $35

Reiki Mastery Program (Robyn)

Contact the teacher directly: http://www.montrealreiki.com

Starts Sunday, September 30th.

Self-directed Magic for Beginners (Courtney)

Most spells focus on changing the environment around the caster such that good things can occur; more efficient spells focus on changing the caster such that she is the sort of person to whom good things happen regularly. Learn to harness your energy better by making a permanent difference in your personal magical pattern!

Sunday, September 30th, 3-5pm, $25